Some QoL and small suggestion i tought of

Some QoL and small suggestion i tought of
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Like the tittle says, just some small QoL and fixes i think could be added to the game.

  1. Make reveal potion use screenguis instead of highlights : Pretty self explanatory and would fix the problem of max number of highlights available and i think would look overall better and work better.

  2. Munera change : I don’t know how to title this one, but is basically things like grabs and attacks that are afected by combat should always be active in munera (because sometimes the combat wears off and gets annoying)

  3. Make navy boats don’t jump on you while in your boat : If you are in your boat but have your sails down notoriety marines still jump off the boat and gets annoying and is basically the same as before (basically make so marines still attack your boat even if you are not moving it instead of jsut jumping off).

  4. Make clearsight actually make you see in dark : I don’t know why this isn’t a thing, it would work very well on titan caverns or the secret place from shell island.

  5. A way to see your total notoriety : Maybe like hovering over the stars would say like (plus X notoriety) or maybe the sponsors could tell you your notoriety

  6. Some way to change the color of a weapon (?) : Maybe this one not but would be very cool, maybe in the blacksmith or dye traders you could change it and would also change the aura (lets say khai sabre would drop default red but you can change it to blue or smth like that) would give alot of customization to warriors.

  7. Dye traders in cities (?) : Maybe in some major cities there could be a preset dye trader so you can acces it much easier, also again maybe this one not but would be cool.

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tell me what yall think :+1:

I like this one! I think it’s a swell idea! Much better than relying on freaking RN-Jesus to let you recolor stuff.

Honestly great idea, especially the notoriety navy ships one, I’ve had them jump off when I was engaged in ship combat with them, and they still gave nothing, I absolutely hate when this happens.

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Not sure about this one, but having more color options is always a neat thing. Though, maybe this should be limited to non-standard weapons? Possibly justifiable “in-universe”, by saying that low quality and/or mass-produced weapons can’t hold the coating or magic, whichever is used to apply the color change. Also, maybe independently recolor the aura and the weapon itself?
(Fancy color aura on mundane looking weapon, mundane looking aura on fancy weapon, either might be fun, or possibly work better than defaults)

This is absolutely necessary. I had an idea of how to possibly accomplish it, though I am not sure how well it would work.

Can’t remember ever seeing a dye trader (in this game), so… yeah, having at least one permanent location for one would be nice.


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