Some Stuff I've Been Up To!

Hey guys! It’s been a while since I posted here, about… ten days or so if I remember right? Something like that, sorry I’ve been gone long! I was working on a model of the Snake Devil from Chainsaw Man that took me 3 days to make, then I decided to take a break for a while. And… in that break, I got tester for AO (mostly thanks to JTN, he carried that whole ordeal)! Hell yeah! A good bit of the art hub did a celebration, and I can’t say how happy I am that they did, It was a fun day, they did a game night. So glad I joined this community, and I honestly can’t thank all of the people on the forums and the art hub enough, all of you mean so much to me, I really wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for the endless support from them. (acko 4man rotten JTN :pray:) Anyways, here are some retextures I did. The sunken sword has its UV errors fixed, The Lion’s Halberd has the same bronze as the Triasta now (heavily improved the texture for the bronze aswell) and added it to the Scimitars too because I thought it looked cool. Anyways, I’ll see you all next remodel. (which’ll probably be a cape, creature concept or reworks of the more basic weapons in AO)


Looks cool


ins W frrr
love the details! i like how you added a lion head onto the halberd l


good job yet again ins!!! will always adore your creations :grin:


The original remodels of the halberd and scimitars were great and here you go making them twice as good.
I’m not sure if its just the new angle but the grime on the sunken sword also looks like it has way more depth to it.

I don’t know how you do it, this is great.

honestly this is not at all surprising.
next step is contributor!!!

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I always loved your creations, in fact, they were the first thing I saw when I first joined the forums! It’s always a pleasure to see you share your work. Thank you Ins, for being an amazing part of this community! :clap:

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yea he only joined relatively recently.
just showed up and started putting out some of the best models the forum has seen lol.

definitely better than anything the game has seen lol.
I’m sure its obvious but I am excited at the idea these models may end up ingame.


glad you noticed the depth on sunken sword i had to retopo the whole model so that’s why it looks different :pray:
hopefully one day i’ll get to contribute :grin:


this means so much (especially considering i love the way your art looks, i remember commenting on the merlot drawing, still looks super cool to me)! i’m glad you like my models, hopefully i’ll be able to continue impressing everyone on the forums


this mf somehow made the already goated models even better…

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WOAH, THOSE LOOK INCREDIBLE! I love your work so much

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This is truly amazing. Keep it up

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delectable rendering and textures

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I really liked the rust-ish textures on the model, that was a super cool touch.

Also, congrats on getting tester.



Bro legit speedran tester, you deserved it

with contrib you mean

“vetex finally hired this man”*

Once again, Ins has COOKED beyond comprehension. I especially LOVE the lion on the Lion’s Halberd.

It looks a lot more feasible and real due to this, but I will admit, it kinda looks like the slightly pinkish bits and the oddly alluring, but also uneven and improper depth, are gone now.
Not knocking the fix at all; it still looks AWESOME (especially with how real the actual depth of the sword looks)! I just gotta admit; somehow those UV errors are awesome too.
Well, provided that’s what I’m seeing and it wasn’t just a difference in the image quality or some other thing.


i honestly agree with you that some aspects of it are lost now
it’s kinda hard to tell what i changed too considering in the original photo i showed the “good” side of it where the blade looked fairly normal (most of the uv errors were on the blade) but the other side of the sword didn’t have any reflectance and it was pitch black before i fixed it lmao
i might try redoing it again to see if i can fix the depth issues sometime, glad you like the models too :grin: (wish i could like this post but the forums have crippled me again)


man how are you so talented, you could actually work as a 3d modeler ingame, insane quality as always

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