Some things you should know about trading (Edited)

Can agree

ye but like rn this is probably not the best way to handle stuff…

someone who was farming minotaur caught a sunken helm right in front of my eyes, i had like 3 vastira and him being the pro trader decided to do a chad move:



i used to try to make everyone think my way and was really a dick but i feel like just acting chill and not acting like you know everything is more pog than whatever shit i did before.

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Uhhhh good for you

lol nice trade doe

it wasnt even max lmao

Bro OhHey gives more misinformation than Fox News show host and jeyycub keeps gaslighting shit, trading is fucking comedy nowadays.

for some reason i thought you were gonna start beef with me again or say some bad shit about me :frpensive:

it is doe…

I didn’t want to argue even from the start but I had to :woman_shrugging:

Nah Leo I actually look up to you, I’m just jealous you got so much items :pensive:

nah its fine, sometimes you gotta let the beef out cuz you had a bad day or something, i understand,

i sleep now but i will be back tomorrow to start a 30 page google doc about why headless is more valuable then hard sunkens tomorrow

Not neccessarily but I suppose you could say that? :thinking:

How many of these videos do you got on hand bro?!?!

scam people more like i own less than probably 1% of the total boss drops in my invnetory… also heres a tip for scamming people, offer 500 crowns for a helm, 750 for armor, 1k-1.5k for weapon, 2k+ for sunken and boss waepons for headless, you always want the crowns for the trade to be “good”

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I have lots of videos but if I don’t have it I just download it :troll:

someone sent this in a discord server and i found it amusing

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