Ok so, since everyone is sharing their scripting/large projects, ill share my own lmao.
This is probably like my first game, ish thing, ever.
I need some thoughts on this ok
Basically, its a RPG/Adventure game that i’ve planned to make this summer (Rather, work on). I have literally no scripting experience and building experience prior to this, just to note, so its not the greatest thing…
It’s also meant to be on the lore heavier side (also, PVP isn’t made added yet lmao since its kinda hard)
Im new to the scripting and building thing, but so far I got a couple features built into the game:
A Modular Atmosphere system. This is what is producing the white fog at the start, and can easily be modified for any new regions .
An Area Tracker (The “Forlorn Stalacites” in the top of the screenshot) That shows if you have entered a new region (this is literally the only region made so far lmao)
(Semi) Modular GUI Snow Effect that applies while in the region. Doesn’t actually affect the server, so very performance saving. Also disables indoors.
(Kinda) Functional NPC dialogues. You can select multiple buttons to determine what the npcs will say or respond with. Its also really scuffed (I probably need to add a debounce tbh)
Custom movement mechanic, with it’s own animations(aka literally just sprint and crouch. dash is kinda hard for me curently ok)
edit: while in the middle of writing this i realized the idle anim completly broke.
has own OST composed by me (Only a couple so far, others are taken from obscure games) (Can’t share since it’s a Mp3 file lmao)
hunger and thirst system (Its kinda ass though)
What do yall think? It’s still a work in progress, and I barely know how to script (Im pretty sure i started around 2-3 weeks ago) so im doing the easier stuff first.
Any advice on other locations lol. Though, don’t suggest cities or towns since i already have plants for those.
(“Forlorn Stalactites” as seen in roblox studio, without fog)
It’s already looking amazing so far. I would say though to add some stuff on the ground since it’s looking a bit empty down there. Maybe some rocks and dead trees would do.
so turns out. after hours of tinkering around, i found out that the only problem was that i didn’t embed this line of code into the function itself, and was a variable at the start. 4 hours of my life wasted.
Maybe not work on a new region? Add a city near those stalactites area since that seems to be the spawning point. The city will serve a an area to learn the basics, (buying weapons, armor, food, quests). After you complete a large section of that region with a city, THEN you should start advancing onto the next region which should go in chronological order. I used to be a builder, tbh it was fun to learn and earned me some much needed robux to buy games and other gamepasses I wanted.
Actually, its not supposed to the spawn point, rather, its kinda like a place near the spawn - if you get what i mean. (Beginner ish, where newer players can access relatively easily)
anyways im not even making the new region yet lol i have to revamp my older systems (again)
I see. If that’s the case that I would highly recommend the spawn point to be a city.
Oh yeah, get the core mechanics down, walking, running, unload and load, punching, health. And a bunch of other technical things. I wouldn’t know since I used to j build not code