Sometimes it feels like im the only one who preferred the continent over the sea

Now please put your pitchforks down. I am by no means still complaining about the tgr. This is just my opinion on the whole continent vs sea thing.

Now I will be completely blunt… Even before since I played online fighting. I just did not like the sea stuff. Swimming and boats weren’t my thing and that mindset sticks with me. So please know that this has a bias for it. Despite that I will try to be as unbiased as possible.

So. Why do I prefer continents over seas?
Why would I prefer walking for nearly half an hour just to do a quest? Rather then sailing for 5 minutes to find a chest farm?

The answer is the same reason why I still like gta v online.

It is fun

Seriously. Even though it already takes you 15 minutes to get from bronze to ironport or summerhold. Even though sometimes when I die I get sent across the map. Even though it takes hours just to find a boss. It’s still fun to me. Now sailing and ship battles? Honestly. I do not like it that much. Sailing is kinda boring and ship battles were just who had the better ship and cannons. The sea monsters? I admit. I like them. But the idea of land creatures Sounds much more intriguing tbh.

Now. At this point. Im beginning to see theos’s point. I never liked the seas that much. The idea of walking aroung giant mountains and then returning to a nice little lake next to a nearby town was alot more appealing and was much more comfortable. And I know something like that existing in roblox is possible because it was already done before. Just at a smaller and less well scripted scale (Apocolypse rising).

Now I get that alot of people here don’t agree and I get and accept it. But the title says what it says.


ye the continent is cool
but we will see how islands will work out, hopefully theyll be just as good or better

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a vast ocean with creatures lurking within

I know most will not like me when I say this… But…

The idea of a vast ocean full of sea monsters and shipwrecks. Is cliche and not as intriguing as a giant continent full of secrets untouched by man with creatures that lurks between the corners at night


I’m pretty sure continents are more cliche than land, not to mention you’ll spend most of your time on islands anyways unless you’re constantly on the hunt for something.

don’t know how you prefer a large mass of over extended filler wilderness over carefully crafted and detailed islands but everyone has their own preferences i guess

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I felt the same way, until I realized that the continent was bland and uninteresting and that the islands in AO were going to be MUCH bigger and diverse than AA’s islands


my guess is that the islands-optimists are much more radical when trying to get what they want, and vetex sort of belongs to them. (looking at AA)
I myself am a very strong Islands believer and optimist and won’t try to convince you now, but actually the sea, to us humans still to this day, is quite mysterious and holds unknown dangers and secrets, therefore it’s just as good of a template for a game as a game based on space or new planets, and hence it holds the hope of treasure, while also being highly menacing the deeper you go. (you would probably understand better what i mean if you were to play well made underwater games)

The only thing I liked better about huge landmasses were the amount of chests.

My take is that even though I’m more of a continent guy, I can see how islands may be a better choice instead of going the way WoM has been. Continents simply have more potential than islands but they are also extremely hard to work with while islands allow perfect pacing between updates and detail. And I’m sure we all know Vetex prefers a game that is good immediately instead of a game that’s even better in 5 years so that he can actually pay rent.

But even though islands may be the best choice it doesn’t mean that continents are bad either. As an example, for the questing in WoM people inherently think that quests should take around 2-3 minutes when in reality if these WoM quests were in real life they would take days or maybe even weeks to do.
Also imo AO shouldn’t be too ship or sea oriented especially with combat because, as this post says, ship battles would just be decided by whoever has grinded for the better ship first then counting skill level later.

People also think that seas would also be more detailed because, “iT hOlDs UnKnOwN DaNgErS aNd SeCrEtS iNsIdE” as if we’ll be exploring Atlantis in submarines or some shit when in reality we’ll actually just sail past a few tiny ass islands with one singular chest inside with one singular galleon inside, oh and don’t forget the swift level 10 straw hat.
Or maybe we’ll just get one shotted by a cannon ball from a level 1000’s ship from across the map when trying to get around 47 typhoons.

I guess it’s all up to preference on Vetex’s part of the direction AO takes but I just think islands are just really overrated by the community that prays to their AA shrine every single day and drive away anybody new to the forums who dare have a different opinion.


I feel like people say that WoM’s continent is bad because it’s a “WaLkInG sImUlAtOr” when in reality that’s more so a fault of the questing/storyline system rather than the continent.

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The continent was hardly done before and had potential if done right, which is why some did not care if it was a “walking simulator”.

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I like the continent, but if Vetex wants to change it into islands then I will just go with the flow I guess

walking simulator is fun tbh, I like climbing random high landscapes in them

Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Continents allow for much greater diversity of terrain, you have to blow up the map by extreme proportions if you’re going to put the same diversity of Magius in the TGR.

Perhaps that is why Vetex is taking so long?

Nah he’s just busy putting meat freezers on redwake

also welcome to the forums

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Oh great now it’s a meme.

Thanks for le warm welcome1608817695071

Lmao this is the best post I’ve seen while browsing this forum.
It’s practically impossible for Vetex to accomplish TGR in an efficient way that allows for a diversity of content without putting hundreds of hours of work into it.
The seas would have to be blown up to a GIGANTIC proportion for this to happen, and since Vetex’s timescale of completing this is 4 months or so, accounting for how he completes one single region in around 1.5-2 months, gives me doubt 'bout whether or not TGR will be as good as expected.
But since pretty much everyone I know, as you say, prays to their AA shrine (I would call it a Vetex shrine in reality since no matter what he does he will be lauded for his achievements, perhaps rightfully if he does do well), everyone will say it’s a gigantic success even if 3/4 of players online at any given moment are noobs that just clicked on one of the ads Vetex would buy, and there is HORRENDUS lag due to the map size and Vetex’s refusal to divide it up.
I also think Vetex should scale down infamy reqs for guilds, nobody is going to get to 10k infamy soon even right after TGR. So for example guilds with 1k infamy can submit posters and 3k infamy can build structures. The recent change in infamy gains in WOM should also be rolled back.
I saw a couple threads about TGR but everyone got triggered. It’s honestly pretty sad the state of the community nowadays, the forums are even getting really inactive compared to August.


this post needs more likes

why doesn’t it have more likes