Sonic Developer Arrested

crazy how roblox won’t lift a finger to stop predators because it’s ‘‘off site’’ and would rather sue a youtuber into shutting up


seriously how is it even legal? as far as i know they’re just straight up lying and filing a lawsuit to intimidate the guy into deleting his channel, using a bullshit lawsuit to forcefully stop someone from exposing how awful and predatory their platform can be, straight up abuse of process

Bozo down

roblox be like: we care about your safety!!
also roblox: you were groomed on discord therefore not our platform therefore not our problem

The craziest part is , they updated their ToS like a year or two ago saying that Off-platform behavior is now bannable, which is what they also tried to pull up for ruben sim, yet when it comes down to pedos i guess they don’t really care about enforcing it :person_shrugging:

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Yeah they pull it for ruben sim but not an actual criminal ik

The moderation team and the moderation bot.

Then discord moderation is also at fault for allowing this kind of thing to even happen. This also is in no way the first time somebody groomed a child on discord.

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the people that made sonic speed simulator arent pedophiles, this guy made sonic eclipse online, now named just sonic simulator

i understand that sonic simulator and sonic speed simulator are easy to confuse but you should be extra careful when youre saying someone is a pedophile

yeah its discords problem too but roblox should at least terminate the people off the platform so they cant do it again


roblox weirdly seems to be protecting these people

they fired and terminated a moderator for grooming a 14 year old boy a few years back, then unbanned his account and allow him to change his name to seperate himself from what he did, they allow people like fave and epiccritical to stay on the platform, they unbanned mah_bucket randomly for a few hours until someone brought attention to it, it took them years to terminate people like misterobvious

i dont understand why they do this, its not even that theyre incompetent, they just intentionally let these people on their platform


Good fucking riddance to a genuine pile of human garbage.

I genuinely hope the other inmates there learn why he’s in for 20 years.

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Tfw roblox acts slower than both sega and the FBI

In my unhumble and true opinion, these people deserve the life sentence not just 20 years

Idc if they can “turn their lives around”, they are obviously willing to take advantage of people and abuse their status to break their law, which some other people get jailed for way longer, add on to the fact that he ACTUALLY kept a 15 yr old in his house for a week he deffo deserves to rot and die in prison but that is just my opinion :person_shrugging: , fun fact: even amongst inmates like drug dealers and murders, pedos and kidnappers are the most hated in prison, by both the guards and their fellow inmates


I guess it depends on where exactly it happened. If it happened in a private chat only, then I don’t think they should even be spying on those unless a report is given, seeing as it would be a massive privacy violation. If in a public server, though, then they should be moderating a lot better, but I don’t know how hard exactly it would be to do this. Discord has a lot of users, and moderation bots aren’t at a level where they can be fully trusted with things like this (that’s how you get stuff like Roblox’s censorship).

Maybe they don’t want to bother banning until the person has been prosecuted by the law? Or perhaps they have a really weird forgiveness policy? I could maybe possibly understand someone being hesitant to deny someone of their livelihood if it was just one offence, but it doesn’t seem the wisest of choices seeing as ROBLOX is a kid’s platform.

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yeah but theyve banned and unbanned pedophiles multiple times

even the dude who this thread is made on, he was banned but roblox allowed him to make a new account and transferred his group to that new account allowing him access to his fanbase of children again and letting him devex therefore they are directly giving him money, it just doesnt make sense to me how anyone let alone a kids gaming platform could do that

Honestly I think roblox is too afraid to deal with pedos on their platform as they banned someone from their platform for saying slurs off platform, which goes against their rule with things off platform.

How are the afraid to deal with pedos?

Having to deal with pedos makes people find out about pedos on there and makes them look bad, so they likely chicken out

people find out anyways.