Sonic Developer Arrested

these guys got the small dick + brain damage combo :face_exhaling:


Or justā€¦ donā€™t prey on anybody. Iā€™ve gone 17, coming on 18, years of my life and never done it just how hard can it be?

Children are the leaders of tomorrow, why wouldnā€™t people pray on them?

Nah, but seriously itā€™s funny when someone says this, because most people who prey on children donā€™t do it because they canā€™t get female attention by any other means. Those kinds of attractions are either psychological, environmental, or simply in-born. It isnā€™t genetic though, so by ā€œin-bornā€ Iā€™m guessing itā€™s something like sexual orientation, where something funny happens prenatally.

WOO LETS FUCKING GO :partying_face: :tada:

I donā€™t even know how pedophiles can exist, bro leave the poor childrens alone

One of these is not like the others


ong or fr moment

What does that mean ?

nvm that

fr is an abbreviation of for real.

I mean ONG, ik what fr means

on god