Space island? (idea)

The space island would be held by one or multiple of these things:

  1. air magic (or curse)
  2. gravity magic (or curse)
  3. some magic technology
    So I’d assume an extremely strong air/gravity magician/curse user would be having the island suspended and surrounded by an air bubble.

so is the promethean fire curse being in space


If curse strong then it gets yeeted harder :person_shrugging: its not that complex and it’s not like it’s outside of the rules of the universe

space islands aren’t necessarily impossible, yknow’

  1. air magic would not work because you can’t do that shit with magic nor can you do that shit with magic since it is not in fact air. the air curse is probably not ever going to be used for that

  2. gravity magic is not that precise. gravity curse would run into the issue of air

  3. there is 0 kind of technology that could make this happen

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Lots of mythological gods in the lore, with some people becoming more powerful than them, so who’s to say a proficient curse user couldn’t make a space island?

all the gods are dead, there are no curse users proficient enough that care enough to make one

Are the most powerful beings able to enter space though

Because they probably are, so

the real question here is why

Why a strong curse user would create a space island? Probably to hide away for the rest of eternity because they did something, IDK.
Why I made this idea? The idea of fighting the final boss in space would be cool.

Hard disagree

guys touching grass isn’t allowed on the forums anymore because if you tell someone to touch grass then you’re suggesting that they should touch grass and suggestions aren’t allowed on the forum

Magic pollution is able to maintain the weather in any kind of state regardless of the surrounding environment, so it wouldn’t be the craziest thing to have a cloud higher than is normally possible. What if, for example, the clouds are able to hold islands because they are magically repelled by the earth? Then, if an island or a large portion of an island was to fall off because of a natural disaster, the cloud would shoot up and it might end up in space. How does the player fight the enemy in space with no atmosphere? Simple, they abandon their physical body and become an immortal dark spirit

“suggestions aren’t allowed sorry” :nerd_face: :nerd_face:

anyways I think it’s a cool idea and I personally would love a space themed island.

Damn the trauma of this incident (Suspicious forumer alert - #29 by ThatAsianInTheCorner) has made you despise the enforcing of rules :pensive:

I’m roblox baddie

well even if there was an island in space, im pretty sure nobody would be able to breathe or live in outer space