Special attacks based on what it is

I have gone through a couple of magic-based builds and every time I try a different magic. However, they always feel the same. Same attacks, abilities, the only things that are different are the speeds, damage, AOE, blah blah blah…

The point is, I think all magics feel very similar to each other. (I don’t use fighting styles much, but when I do I feel the same thing.)

In case you haven’t realised yet, this is another suggestion that I am trying to get some advice on before submitting it to the suggestions category.

The General Idea

So, since different versions of types of combat feel the same, why not give each version a unique ability? For instance, magic specials would be based on their magic and fighting styles based on their style.

A couple of examples

  1. Cannon fist
    Special: Cover fire
    Fire a lot of cannonballs into the air, (like a mortar) before they come back down to the ground dealing large AOE damage.

  2. Water magic (any variation)
    Special: Tsunami
    If near water, summon a massive wave, catching your enemies in it and dealing damage to them. (as this would be very situation-based, it would be more powerful than other abilities)

  3. Lightening magic (any variation)
    Special: Sky-Strike
    Similar to an airstrike, you select an area of ground and fire, then a cloud forms above that area strikes it with lightning. (Again, Large AOE damage)

This would require a lot of coding, but would hopefully go a long way towards diversifying the way each magic and fighting style operates. In terms of balancing: [Insert something about not caring here]



that’s what rare/lost/ancient spells will be for

yeah, but every magic can get these. The point is to diversify magics and make them different

why bother making special attacks for base magics and fighting styles, when you can make rare spells which work better on certain magics than others, giving both the diversity and giving every build access to these options

But if every build has access to the options then every build would have all the options to maximise damage output. Also, having a lighting mage summon a tsunami would just not make sense.

A suggestion out of Suggestions

what about acid? its just lower ph water

8 spell slots per magic, many more rare/lost/ancient spells planned

if you’re going to submit it to the suggestions category you should probably change the name because " Special attacks based on what it is" sounds kind of… meh and unclear

that’s literally what aa’s magics were like lol


The only person who actually pointed that out. Would be pretty strange if he removes some mechanic, then re-adds it after certain suggestion. Hell nah.

yea, and it kinda goes against ao’s magic system and its main appeal


off topic but this is just too legendary not to send i was browsing through my very old screenshots (i have to share this with someone)

“oil up lil bro”

good point. this is why I started submitting it for a test run first.

I never played AA

What is it’s ‘main appeal’?

I guess so, but when that happens people would find the best magic spells and just use those. e.g. everyone wants to use sunken armour because it is better than everything else.

Special: Acid rain
Summons a raincloud (similar to lightning magic) that rains acid, dealing medium damage but also debuffs the opponents (armour, damage, whatever.)

highly customizable ig

its true that with only 3 ( 4 counting unreleased ) lost spells rn they all seems kinda the same, but in the future™ when there are dozen of different spells for players to choose from, they will be different eventually