"Spectral" fire

(Someone make this a suggestion and give me credit pls.)

Basically, purple fire magic, not a lost spell, not primordial, just a color variation.

you can’t make suggestions for the time being


The suggestion category is currently closed, until further notice.

By request of Vetex for currently, publicly unknown reasons.

cause of low effort low quality suggestions like yours. No wonder it was locked.

Ohjeez it’s you again and hey my ideas were not low quality

They were.

This one has been suggested many many times now…

low effort too

shiver me timbers he called me a bunch of childish insults :sob:


also isn’t darkflame purple or smthn?

damn the moment when you can’t prove your suggestions are low effort and suggested already many times so you just resort to using childish insults

zephyr 2

LOL bruh… The new zephyr.


Alrighty now seems like the appropriate time to ask: howdoi block people

You don’t. You cannot silence peoples critism… You just need to accept and learn from it.

go to their profile and change the thing that says “normal” to “muted”


Or maybe it’s zephyr’s alt :thinking: