Speculating about some ghost quotes

torren isn’t cannon
also isn’t the darkflame curse black or blackish red

Darkness is the one that can be red.

Also Torren is mentioned by Dark Sea ghosts, so like…

He is. One of the tech riddles were solved and this was the answer

First AU’s Riddle Summary - Google Docs

the tech riddles were made years ago and so much has been retconned :sob:
this includes the concept of the unknowns in the first place

Damn I forgot how long it’s been since they were made :sob:

Vetex has confirmed multiple times that Torren is no longer canon, however, from what he has said

torren might be coming back in spirit

You wanna know what else is more confirmation?
Lore doc literally calling him king arthur

He’s likely a traitor, maybe an unwilling one. Lancelot’s legend has him kill Agravain, Gaheris, and Gareth. All of whom were loyal knights to Arthur, the reason why Lancelot was attacked by these three knights is because uh

They found out about the affair.

Of course, since this is Roblox, vetex will likely change it to “Lancelot stole one of Arthur’s treasures” instead of having an affair.

To add, Agravain was not a traitor. He was actually quite loyal, however, he is often described in a negative light

That’s exactly what I was hoping for; further delving into the subject instead of “lmao, you used AI as a starting point for something you couldn’t imagine getting results from googling?”

but why would you admit to using AI in the first place, that’s just asking to get verbally jumped.

Are people really that racist with AI? /j

I use GPT all the time for random things I thought of with the wiki.
I showed them GPT being really wrong about Warren for example.

ChatGPT itself is insanely unreliable and practically gives the same results as Wikipedia. The ONLY thing I’d ever use it for is doing math because it can’t give me misinformation when doing so.

but don’t use AI when you’re gonna make a serious post or theory, in general what the hell are you doing.


I figured it can at least get basic history right, idk.

Again, more of a starting point, since I can’t ask google for that.

some random ghost was talking about this koi arcane adventures idk who it is

Yeah, I’ve seen GPT try to talk about Theos and Warren. Not much you can do, they’re from smaller communities.

Chat GPT isn’t concerned with nor designed to give factual or correct responses. Its main priority is creating sentences that make sense as a reply to its prompt.

You can google lord lancelot, agravain, king arthur, and basically any of your questions regarding Arthurian lore and find sources that actually know what they’re talking about. I googled “Arthurian lore” and got:


Well exactly, I didn’t know what “Arthurian” was, and now I do!
It helped.

don’t tell me :man_facepalming:

As div said

It lies about math too, probably more than anything else actually

Well, that may be an oversight on my part.
But again, I didn’t know what an “Arthurian Lore” was, and all the information I did get was later confirmed.