Speculations on which god/divine beings would give which element for spirit weapon imbuement

please note that i have basically no knowledge about greek mytho other than whatever is on wikipedia, please, please tell me your idea

  • Acid:??

  • Ash: possibly Hephaestus, mostly due to his relation to volcano

  • Magma: most likely Hephaestus, reason stated above ( his Roman name Vulcan is apparently the origin of the word “volcano” too apparently )

  • Fire: either Hephaestus or Hestia ( goddess of flame and hearth ), probably the later. Prometheus would probably has his own legendary spirit weapon instead of just normal fire one

  • Crystal: possibly Hecate, the godness of magic since crystal is often connected to magic

  • Earth: either Hades or Gaia, probably Hades’. Gaia’s, if there ever be one, would probably be a legendary tier

  • Explosion: probably Ares ( god of war, specifically the physical, violent, and untamed aspects of warfare ) since Explosion and Metal are, imo, the most “war-like” of base magics… or it could be Hephaestus again…

  • Metal: Athena ( goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare ), reason stated above

  • Glass: ?? could be Hecate again??

  • Ice: could be Boreas ( god of the cold north wind, storms, and winter ) or Khione ( godness of snow ). Alternatively, maybe Hades since souls are often associated with the cold, or maybe Demeter, being the godness of seasons

  • Snow: same as the list above honest, Khione seems more likely tho ( literally godness of snow )

  • Light: Apollo ( god of light, archery, arts, and a bunch of other things )

  • Lightning: …do i even need to do this… well, it could also be Poiseidon ig due to his storm manipulation and all, but it would probably be a lost magic spirit weapon instead

  • Plasma:?? Apollo?? the sun is a ball of plasma ig… but Apollo in AU didnt have plasma…

  • Poison:?? i found a group of gods that are the personification of rot decay disease etc. but theres barely info on them so idk. Could be Thanatos ( personification of death ) or Hades

  • Sand: there are a few candidates, including Psamathe ( Nereid of sandy beaches ), or Poiseidon ( beaches ) or Hades ( earth-related )

  • Shadow: could be Hades of Nyx ( personification of night ), Selene ( personification of the moon ). I personally think either Hades or Nyx, probably Hades due to shadow being evil energy and shts ( Vetex please retcon that sht )

  • Water:

  • Wind: either one of the Anemoi ( wind gods, which include Boreas ) or maybe even Hermes ( god of swiftness, commerce, trickery, and travel )

  • Wood: could be Demeter ( goddess of seasons and agriculture )

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Lightning - obviously tarantis
Totally greek god.

Healing magic - Asclepius

I doubt vetex will be retconning this anytime soon if he hasn’t already

I wouldnt mind multiple weapon being blessed by hephaestus since he is the weapon smith of the gods

actually good and fair point
i was thinking inequality and bias… thats way smarter tho

wonder if we’ll ever have like, a spirit weapon that are blessed by multiple gods

balance aside ig its rather unlikely since they fight each others most of the time lol

cursed earth :

I don’t think their powers will be necessarily tied to the starter magics we have right now, Zeus’ is lightning because… that’s his whole thing

Honestly hope that if there is one blessed by Hermes, it increase att.spd or agl of the user instead of being an elemental one.

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As imbuements will have no direct affect on your stat affinities, that is probably not happening

I know Water was left blank because it’s obvious that it’ll be Poseidon-related, but wouldn’t Earth Spirit Weapons also have a chance of being blessed by him, since he’s also the god of Earthquakes?

When it comes to speculations you have to think like Vetex

Vetex when good idea:

Haephastus is the god of fire and of blacksmiths (atleast as far as i know) so he’s pretty likely for metal and fire

the gods are dead…

What they left still exists

i love how no one considered how helios god of sun could possibly give fire and magma OR

since acid is pretty related to life and DNA I think Phanes could be a good option

The Sun is a huge glowing sphere of hot gas

and plasma is just absurdly hot fire so putting helios instead of apollo would be better

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i feel as if a sun related spirit weapon imbuement would also be fitting (if spirit imbuements end up including lost/ancient magics)

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