Spell Shape Options


wind cube confirmed :scream:

I’m glad vetex is fighting against tester cruelty

Shape option requires 220 points
Crash and explosion ult art each require 230 points into their respective stat

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Oh yeah my mind mixed the levels necessary with the stat points necessary

aha i knew i knew it

So lvl 110 and 115 minimum respectively
No justice for warlocks

forums when they can make their blast attacks cubes (this is the most important day in human history)

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Depends what kind of warlock, some will only have 96 points in magic while others will have up to 140+

I want auras at least

We’re out of luck there :pensive:

I want auras at least
Unless focus is available earlier

For either of those we would need to wait until the level cap is raised again, since Auras require 150 points and Focus about 180 I believe


I want a giant fire ball , you can’t know HOW MUCH i want it

If the unlock is the in the order he made them then focus is also 150

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you can make a fire ball already…?

i hope there’s an arrow option so arctic arrow can be an actual spell now

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Would a cone shaped blast work