Spirit Weapons W/ Pristine

I guess Knight will be the only half build without an imbuement, as I see no logical way to combine real and spirit weapon together.

I’m pretty sure Prometheus never gave humans Circle Magic, they made it themselves, prometheus gave humans primitive magic and humans “evolved” it by themselves

just let them equip both???

What if spirit weapons would “fade” after frequent using, and to restore their soul power, we need to charge them up? Like seawater bar.

Dual-wielding like Argos at second phase huh? I guess this should be a Warlord or Warrior awakening feature

Also, am I the only one noticed a certain NPC at Sailor’s lodge? Name’s Ambanes, he is talking about the Epicenter. No direct lead, but the way he is talking makes me thinking he is vitality user. Just talk with him okay? He has weird staff equipped, what could it be? Also, theres three other pure builds nearby him - Steleus, Kjartan and Meng Ozun


We just so happened to have a discussion thread earlier about something Breaded_Butter realised that may be a huge hint at what Vitality actually does.

The Attachments.

There’s 4 types, based on each pure build. But each attachment is actually based on what each build does. Swivel gun is imbued with magic, Throwing Harpoons are based on strength and have short cooldowns, just like Fighting Styles, Harpoon gun is a combination of both of the above, signifying that Weapon skills is a mix up.

But Vitality? Its a Net Launcher.

Unlike the other three that are specifically weapons made to harm the shark, Vitality is a net. Its not made to harm but capture. This could allude to how Vitality Users deals less dmg than the other builds the more you invest points in it. Its also the only weapon that stuns the shark.

This lead me to speculate that maybe Vitality are debuffers. They defeat the enemy via indirect means. If you were to have a Warden in the team, they’d be the valuable team’s debuffer that allows the others to fight the enemy more effeciently and easily.

This might also explain the less dmg thing. Theyd be too OP if they didnt have that cause if theyre a hybrid, they can use both debuffing and then the magic/weapon/fighting style.

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Need to mention two important things in the description of Net launchers:

  1. They fire spiked nets, so they also focus on harming the shark, not only on stunning.

  2. Net launchers are swivel guns modified to fire nets, so maybe spirit energy control originates from magic usage somehow.


i think so too and currently hoping that they are

maybe both debuffer and buffer even, basically a support class

Supports, that perfectly suits me. But I don’t think an entire stat route will be for supports, I guess there will just be some spirit weapons with this. Three other routes will also have support things later, like Life magic

And I still don’t get it why some people think we will need to hold spirit weapons in our hands. They are literally SPIRIT, I am sure we will command them, not directly use.

If u don’t understand what Im talking abt, heres quote from my huge as vitality idea that Im mentioning in almost every topic I visit:

"Weapons that aren’t being held by the user, instead they float around him. They are different from normal weapons. They have pre-set skills like normal ones, with skills being unlocked with vitality points. Unlike normal weapons, spirit weapons’ skills are customisable via character tab.

The player should create his weapon in this tab before being able to use it. After creating, he can change skills of weapon, this works not like spells or techniques but works like normal weapon skills, though they are customisable".

Both Mage and Vit users are abilities from one’s life force (magic energy is derived from the soul, Vitality is literally from Spirit Energy), maybe thats why theyre both Swivel Guns.

Thx for the point out with the net. Whats interesting is that a spiked net might take out the shark more slowly that a literal gun or a harpoon. So it still may be debuffer here, but doesnt mean they dont deal damage, just make the enemy take dot after being afflicted by debuffs maybe?

Speaking of damage. I have a knight file and water warlock file that will be interchanged to mage bc I have no skill with strenght.
I use nets on knight and swivel on warlock. Damage of swivel guns is 120-150, don’t remember right, and nets are doing 200. Even after I lowered vitality from 130 to 120, damage hasn’t changed.
I also tried using throwing harpoons on second slot, they did even less damage buy somehow gained dmg increase after I have thrown a lot of them (while fighting white eyes).
Why u think nets are the weakest attachment?

Have someone done attachments damage comparison?

I assumed so due to the nature of a net compared to the harpoons and guns. Thats why I thought that way. I said it in a past thread I never played Vit builds yet, so thats why XD

But hmm, interesting stuff. Unless it placeholder since we dont have Warden, that could be an indicator of what they do too

The net launcher could also mean that spirit weapons don’t damage others, they just remove life force. Fighting styles do actual damage, weapons slice and dice, magic it literally reacting with the magic energy in all things (hence the vaporization effect on one shots) and vitality literally sucks your soul away

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Some questions (sorry if these were answered already)

-Will paladins and juggernauts have the ability to imbue their magic/fighting styles onto spirit weapons?

-Will the energy par for paladins and juggernauts and knights share some similar gimmicks as the energy bar for wardens, but to a lesser extent?

Don’t know yet. Could be very cool, though.

Alright, thanks.

One more thing, how similar are spirit weapons going to be compared to normal weapons.

fighting styles mirrors magic, but it still feels completely different to use and play as, if that makes sense.

Yeah, it’ll probably feel pretty vastly different to Weapons, just having the same ‘baseline’ for how your loadout customization works (no Spell / Technique customization, just a varied Weapon / Spirit Weapon loadout).