Spirit Weapons W/ Pristine

Well, here’s a thread, that I hope works out. I’m sure a lotta people beside myself have questions regarding spirit weapons. The only things we vaguely know is that they burn health instead of energy- but we know nothing else aside from that. How do they stand out from the other three core combat options aside from that gimmick? Will they be customizable or preset like regular weapons? Are Vitality builds being balanced now with their future weapons in mind?

Lots of questions I myself and others have, so I don’t know exactly how much good ol’ Pristine is at liberty to say, but any and all info would feed vitality fans a bit- especially since they have to wait, at minimum, two updates before their builds get any work.


Apparently you won’t have to always lose health someone mention it’s optional

As for spirit weapons I hope they aren’t just warriors with built in drawback so maybe we could get customized skills for them and maybe allowing it to be unconventional weapons?

Main problem I have though is I’m pretty sure spirit weapons ae supposed to be for knights


Given the Weapon part of the name, I’d assume the move sets would follow a pre-set list of skills.

what if the word “weapon” is completely misleading and it’s actually just like tomes and artifacts and shit that use spectral entities and stuff to attack people instead of literal weapons.

though maybe there are gonna be some actual weapons that are spirit-looking idk

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Alright, here’s the rundown on what I know. It’s not too much, and most of this I heard from Testers before I became one myself. Things can always change, so take everything with a grain of salt.

Spirit Weapons

  • Drain health instead of energy for all skills.
  • Would be a percentage rather than a flat amount; more health drained could lead to the skill dealing more damage.
    • As such, these things might not even have Power scaling. Just my theory, but I feel the primary stat for increasing Spirit Weapon damage output will be Defense, as you can drain more of your own health.
  • Just like Fighting Styles mirror Magic, Spirit Weapons will probably mirror Weapons. Rarities, weapon types, skills being bound to each weapon and the like.


  • I was told a while back that all “10% damage reduction” Awakenings are placeholders for real Awakenings later.

Class Mechanics

  • Something interesting to note; since Wardens won’t even be able to use their Energy bar for anything, becoming a Warden may give your energy bar a different purpose, maybe a well of healing or damage resistance? I’d presume this would be its first Awakening.

That’s all I know / have heard for now. Gunna take a quick shower and see if it jogs any more memories. Hope this little synopsis could provide a little more context.


Nope. Vitality is not being balanced at all until Spirit Weapons are in the game, since you’re playing an incomplete class.

Funny how Knight is statistically more efficient than Warrior though.

Haha, I mean yeah, aside from missing out on a few warrior-only weapons, knights get the SAME awakening but also have a build that at minimum gives them 400 more base health. So your warrior, with a few less options and far more tanky.

haven’t paid attention to patches, but was the reduced damage for vitality hybrid builds removed? never knew knight would actually boast something over warriors

So this has me thinking- perhaps the energy bar could become a soft resource bar. Like seawater for Sailor- something Wardens can burn through instead of health. For Knights/Paladins/Savants/Juggernauts, they all have the option to swap to other weapons if they are losing too much health- but that wont be a thing for warden. In an effort to make sure the default 'tank’class isn’t counterintuitive, it could have its energy bar substitute for its health on ocassion.

(And by counterintuitive, I mean that since Warden is constantly draining health their actual health difference wouldn’t feel signifigant compared to the average build.)

No, Knight is better than Warrior without the damage penalty being removed. All of the Vitality hybrids are actually more efficient stat-wise than their pure build counterparts by nature of how Vitality damage reduction works.

Far more efficient, in some cases.

Definitely something along those lines, I’d assume. Could be a lot of things, it’s all up in the air. Something is absolutely going to be done with Warden’s energy bar, though.

What if spirit weapons use energy but drain hp if your energy runs out?

das crazy I never knew that

Wouldn’t really make sense. Magic, Fighting Styles, and Weapons all drain energy to use moves, hence why you are given energy when investing into them. You cannot dip into health to substitute energy.

Since Vitality gets no energy and instead gains health to use its moves, I doubt you’d be able to dip into energy to substitute health.

I have a few ideas to what the energy bar could be repurposed to, is it alright if I throw them in here?

Course, fire away.

A side note- we do know a little bit about the lore behind spirit weapons thanks to the Dark Sea

So an additional thought- Spirit weapons will be God Themed. Hammer of Haphestus, Trident of Hades, etc. These could be in some way ‘blessed’ weapons, with a tiering system like arcanium as well.

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My theory is that Spirit Weapons were a precursor to Magic, given by the gods of Olympus long before humans were granted Magic by Prometheus.

Think about it. This aligns with early Magic having drained your soul to utilize, as casting circles hadn’t been created. It quite literally all lines up. Gods were giving humanity watered-down Magic reliant solely on vitality and the soul to do their dirty work.

Of course, a certain Prometheus kinda messed that up for them.


I’m hoping its like that. I desperately want to see cool items pertaining to ancient gods- and learn about the Olympians we have never seen in the Arcane Universe.

An empty bar that is filled up percentage-wise by attacking and using skills. Once full, gets consumed when struck by an attack and grants damage resistance scaling with the energy value.

A bar that slowly depletes when under combat, which is charged every time you get struck by an attack. The player receives endlag reduction and stun resistance the higher the bar is.