Spirits Weapons Copium

Split from RFAO 3


Lame question, but what do y’all think will happen to the Energy Bar if the player awakens as a Warden? Will Spirit Weapons ever touch it? Will it relate to a different Warden awakening?

I think spirit weapons will partially use energy alongside hp so the bar will still matter

I imagine the rate the HP it takes will be small, but will still scale with health so you don’t get to just do a bunch of defense and get away with taking next to nothing every time you use an attack

why would it not use energy

Fuck mechanic speculation what would they look like? I like to think they look like energy stuff.

i think they could look like items with spiritual meaning or value like prayer beads and lapis in egypt

I always imagined something like hollow knight stuff

more specifically the pure vessel’s attacks of sort

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Don’t really care what they look like or do I just want them

Since this is not in Reminders, yet still on topic, I can rant a bit.

SHUT THE HELL UP SPIRIT WEAPON PEOPLE PLEASE, except Saiku or whatever (the attackspeed video person that reacts use anime images) since it’s just disappointment from them, like god damn Reminders gets so much random fluff from bio about this stupid feature that may or may not be cool and will both be garbage and hated for being meta depending on how balancers feel. Yeah spirit weapons sound cool but god damn people derailing so many convos in topics (not just reminders) to talk about this feature that they might not even enjoy, like brother please at least do something funny like make a love letter/poem to spirit weapons instead of riding vetex for not adding them.

This hasn’t been that bad until bio can’t keep it in his pants for over a week inside of Reminders about the dead green goblin’s ectoplasm for a stat route. Begging vetex constantly to add spirit weapons ain’t going to do anything unless literally the entire community riots which might backfire completely like mud magic or just make him want to add it even less or possibly scrap it since it’s been such an afterthought. People ong be using “it’s in early accesssss” as an excuse for AO’s flaws but spirit weapons not being added yet is a “grrr bad dev i’ve been waiting too long for you to work for me” moment (yes I know it’s a whole stat build but god damn I don’t care).



Yeah I agree people are so impatient just wait they’ll eventually be added

Vetex aint made arcanium weapons yet either but I aint complaining


I literally hear NO COMPLAINTS about arcanium ever, magic weapons is rare, but spirit weapons…

probably cause they’re not vital to their class functioning…


well, arcanium in AA is pretty much just imbuement in AO now

arcanium in AO allows to to modify spells instead, so i can see why not many people bother with it ( mages mostly doesnt need/care about it and conjurers rarely use their magic )

all quiet on the vetex front…


A silence before the storm? I guess there can be 3 reasons of this: merchant deckhand’s unique trades/something related to Nimbus sea/spirit weapons

probably merchant being special yeah

Im not sure it will be merchant

again with the spirit weapons, he isn’t even working on nimbus just a minor update man calm down.

Easter update - Brewing update - Dark Sea update - enough waiting

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Speech 100

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Please for the love of god stop talking about him making spirit weapons its on the roadmap just wait for it.