Spolier: Thing I noticed

So something I noticed after getting Rackham’s journal. The energy that destroyed Akursius Keep is described as a black energy with teal wisps of light or something like that.
Uhhhh, you know what else I noticed looks like that? In the cutscne right before you go fight King Calvus, Morden’s curse has those same exact particles described in the journal.
I am worried for our boy Morden :sob: pls don’t die or go insane pls ik the story is supposed to be darker but pls can nothing bad happen to our gang :sob:


wasn’t it the first king of ravenna that flew over there and completely razed it to the ground?

yeah that’s what destoryed the winterveil kingdom, but akursius keep was the fortress that the first king built ontop of the remains of winterveil

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yeah sounds exactly like the death curse

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Chaos is teal and black fire, you can see it if you have insanity 3. I don’t think there’s any connection to the Death curse since the particles are a different shape and color (doesn’t look like fire).

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ah interesting, also how you get insanity 3?

eat an insanity 2 meal on akursius

how do you make an insainty 2 meal

you have to eat a food with Insanity 2 while at Akursius Keep. the only way to get Insanity 2 food is by making a meal with sun caroway (seasoning found on top of cacti on sandfall island) and cursed mushrooms.

cursed mushroom + you need a special seasoning that doubles the effect of statuses I forgot what it’s called

(sun caroway yeah)

ight thx

I really hope there isn’t any connection :sob:

I love doing drugs in a Lego block game


breaking odyssey


he’s too hot and sweet to die he’s perfect friend vibes (he would commit mass manslaughter if someone tried to hurt you but it’s ok)

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ngl this does sound a lot like the death curse

but it could be darkflame???

darkflame was supposed to be red/black/purple

I mean it did kill everyone

it did also say that it wasn’t evil…

death is technically inherently neutral…

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isn’t it said that it was chaos that destroyed akursius keep