Stat Build Stereotypes

Cool predictions and minor observations


savants getting 1 shot because they have minimum hp and do minimum damage across all weapons


Savants explaining how getting half the damage what the pure build of that stat would get wouldn’t be broken

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Non-savants realizing that with decent power a twice-awakened 3-way Savant will deal barely less damage than a pure build.

Oh god

Gotta choose savant then
Gotta keep up the gigachad energy

Actually might be wrong here since I thought the damage buff was confirmed as 10% and kind of miscalculated either way. At the end of the day if the damage buffs are reasonable like 10% you will be able to get somewhat close to or even barely far away from the damage of a full user depending on how you allocate stats as a 3-way savant.

If you’re a 4-way, good luck.

hell yeah lets go

1000 level Wardens trying to kill level 1 enemy npc


Wait…Magic is’nt an only option in AO?

post was made by mage gang

Holy crap make more of these

Berserker 4 lyfe

im maining warden lmao

the warriors one actually hits hard

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lmao savants.

at this point im kinda scared of high lvl savant

one shot you be like:


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