Stepstones/Cirrus Fast Travel

Stepstones/Cirrus Fast Travel
effort 2.0 2 quality 3.5 2 reasonability 4.375 8


Details/background on your proposal

After climbing the Stepstones for the first time and talking to Iris, you should be able to fast-travel from the bottom to the top of the Stepstones. There would be two teleporters: one at the top of the stepstones, just outside of Cirrus Island, and one just behind Ren where you would start climbing up. You should also be notified about the fast-travel option when it appears. As for how it looks, it could just be a little aura like the Skyship spawn.

Reason to add/change

Climbing the Stepstones should be a one-time thing. It’s cool the first time, but after that it’s really just painful. Yes, you can just jump down and talk to Ren and then reset to go back to Cirrus, but why should you have to? Plus, not every player is gonna notice that, and they’re probably going to waste quite a bit of time climbing back up over and over again.


Perhaps a side quest similar to the ‘fix the Kraken teleporter’ quest in wizard101, where doing an out-of-the-way side quest unlocks the fast travel/ alternate transportation?


I’d love for there to be a side quest dedicated to building a “sky elevator” that, while it doesn’t teleport you, does take you up a whole lot faster.


plus high levels wanting to go back up for any reason (cough cough sky pumpkins). like it’s a god damn pilgrimage to get those things

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Or something really funny, like unearthing a gigantic geyser that launches you nearly to the top so you still have to climb for a little bit


honestly I’d much rather see a sky skate wielding construction crew slowly building up a massive tower to cirrus island as you progress the quest.

Sea Cannon moment

what would that even do
do you really need a teleporter to go from the top to the bottom

but yeah from the bottom to the top itd be fine. at the bare minimum ren should teleport you there when you have to jump down and talk to him

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I don’t care how this is implemented, something should be added to remove the annoying back and forth in the early story.

should have been added in the beginning, wtf vetex
After climbing to the top of the stepstones, there should be this little wooden carriage that goes on a zipline that’ll take to the bottom, but you have to pay. It can also take you to the top. Should be like 150 galleons.

something like a sea cannon between the stepstones and white summit could be cool, it’d reward exploration while not making it so new players still experience the climb

As for ideas for how this can be added, I think once you get up the sky island, before you talk to iris you talk to someone that mentions the existence of a sky elevator, something along the lines of “Wow, you really climbed up here? You should have waited, looks like you missed the elevator” screen fades to black and now you uyse it to go up after returning to Ren.

idk if people noticed this but after the first trip to the top, your spawn gets set to the sky island. you could just reset to get back up

Yeah, that’s a thing you can do but new players likely don’t know this. They’d think you’ll have to go all the way back up manually.
Going up the stepstones normally after you complete the story is annoying as well.

^ this

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Sky elevator sounds cool. At the very least the game should tell you explicitly that your spawn is set to Cirrus so people who don’t pay attention to the screen don’t waste 20 minutes doing the Ren quest line (no judgement from me, I completely forgot where I entered Fort Talos)

ren did say sorry tho

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You could also have Ren secretly climb up the mountain while you are talking to Iris, so you don’t even have to go down in the first place. Doesn’t help with falling off or wanting to go back to Cirrus Island at any other time though. I feel like Vetex put absolutely no thought into this part of the game, like surely there must have been some red flags with going up and down a mountain so many times?

it does
ao players being blind is not a problem with the game

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Idk. I’m bad with corner notifications, I always miss them. When I took the Ravenna cargo quest, I thought the game was bugged because I missed the notif that said “you get no money for this”

I will admit I’m a moron but STILL