Stop being a degenerate

I have regrets.


Lemme post some Greek statues in the forums real quick then (I’m gonna get zapped)

Oh okay let me tr-

Briman2000 on Instagram: "“Unless” Lorax and the thousand yard Stare I've  been seeing it used in memes a lot so I decided to post it separately.  Prints are available on my store

you didn’t even actually search.
the search

Don’t lie. Send screenshots of this “warzone”

clicked on it and immediately clicked off because I have no idea what lurks in those shadows :fearful:

oh I’m sorry I don’t wanna get flashbanged by dragon p###, yeah pardon me I’m such a little wimp :sob:

pardon you. Cause there isn’t any.

I saw what you deleted.
Prowler Theme / Goku Prowler (XenoVerse 2) | Know Your Meme

Im gonna die 1 week since i saw that
Equivalent to the ring.

  • there wasnt a shlong in the calvus statue
  • genitals arent nsfw unless you make them be in nsfw contexts, if you see a schlong in artistic nudity context and go “omg!! :hot_face::hot_face::hot_face:” thats on you

not related to the topic but do you remember this

relating to that topic but not this one, someone got shanked in a homecoming football game for my school due to one of the most pointless things ever (friend groups)

this is why i don’t go to any school events

bro how are penises not nsfw

I was in dark times back then, and I honestly felt want to comfort younger me.

To this day, I still felt that anger though less destructive

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you know how you could be a straight dude and see a painting where a woman has one of her tits out and you just don’t feel anything from it and just appreciate the rest of the art instead
it’s something like that. the goal isn’t pornography, it’s something else

yeah but boobies are different, it’s like a secondary bad thing

if a lady had her vag out on a painting i’d be a little bit uncomfortable, boobies not that much

finally somebody said it