Stop being a degenerate

Correction, AI-generated images*. AI is not art.


suggestive or not, its still good art nonetheless (primarily the king calvus statue, that one absolutely ROCKS)

to be honest, they should prob start spoiling images for these type of stuff

okay but nudity is nsfw
you wouldn’t show a kid some calvussy, would you?

have you ever considered nsfw means not safe for work

you wouldnt show a naked gun in something that barely covers his crotch at your local maccas

sorry but paintings with artistic nudity in them are extremely common in museums and art galleries, many studies and works of artists will usually incorporate some kind of artistic nudity as well. of course, kids shouldnt be exposed to actual nsfw, but the calvus statue was drawn in an artistic portrayal just like how a lot of green or roman statues portrayed nudity

i often blame the internet and media for taboo-ifying artistic nudity, as it’s a beautiful expression in art and its really uncomfortable that it gets labelled as “nsfw” all the time. I do a lot of life studies with nude models and i will tell you literally no one in the study room thinks its “nsfw”, we are all crying about getting the anatomy and the blending right

of course, you shouldn’t show nsfw to kids, bruh. thats a crime – but what i’m saying here is that the calvus statue isn’t even nsfw

@Tetra-Chan pinging you because this also applies to your response


Ok the thing is that this is a lego game forum with teenagers that have raging hormones, sure the Calvus art is depicted in a artistic way but the artist could have AT LEAST covered up a bit more of the crotch area. Some of these art are cleary trying to get a reaction e.g “white eyes (cw sexy)” wheres its a anthro white eyes in a siren costume that is cleary suggestive

So my point is please think about where you are posting this type of stuff, this is not a museum and is just a online forum with a bunch of teenagers on it

I agree, some works are clearly trying to get attention at the fact it is suggestive and “sexy”, i dont think they are very appropriate for the forums, and the comments under it will probably not be very appropriate either… in those cases, id shift the blame more onto the artist who posted it as it attempts to bring in those kinds of reactions

however – artists also shouldnt be punished for drawing and posting something with 0 nsfw intentions, if people are weird on it, it’s the people’s fault for perceiving it as nsfw

an example ill remember is that a few years back on this art sharing app… a kid had an artstyle that well… resembled a questionable shape whenever they drew humans. it was obvious the artist behind it was just a kid whos new at art and had zero idea their style resembled the shape, but people would comment weirdly on it constantly.

although artists shouldn’t be posting nsfw on the forums, people also shouldn’t be acting weird on art, especially if the art isn’t intended to gather those reactions – it’s uncomfortable.

while i agree its not the best idea to post artistic nudity on a forum with bunch of impulse control lacking teens – ultimately, it is NOT the artist’s fault if they get nsfw comments on a piece that is not meant to be nsfw.

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will bring it up with the others. We could probably be a lil stricter on what is and isn’t acceptable when it comes to those kinds of comments

Thank you mimhere

I completely agree with this entire post. It is incredibly annoying seeing the 783rd person person in a row start spewing some of the unfunniest and horniest shit I’ve ever seen. If you want to express your fantasies, don’t do it on a forum. Do it where your supposed to, or better yet, don’t at all. Nobody wants to hear you start thirsting about fucking characters who aren’t even real. Their pixels.

It’s not funny, it never was funny, and it never will be funny.

@Unlucky I take back everything I said about deviantart.

I opened the popular tab.


shlongs = nsfw
dc if it’s “artistic”

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Whenever I see NSFW the first thing I think of is the anatomy structure :broken_heart:


I have regrets.


Lemme post some Greek statues in the forums real quick then (I’m gonna get zapped)

Oh okay let me tr-

Briman2000 on Instagram: "“Unless” Lorax and the thousand yard Stare I've  been seeing it used in memes a lot so I decided to post it separately.  Prints are available on my store

you didn’t even actually search.
the search

Don’t lie. Send screenshots of this “warzone”

clicked on it and immediately clicked off because I have no idea what lurks in those shadows :fearful: