Stop using depth of field

this has to be the dumbest argument ever, you start a whole ass argument just to bail and get mad because nobody agreed with you. Admit that youre wrong or remain ignorant and act like a whole ass clown

I’m tired of this argument. The world is not blurry and also you are stupid.

i think you’re showing examples of bloom not DoF

I could give a response to that but I am done with this argument and also you are stupid.

Bloom is something different but related in a way, yes
An example of bloom in a computer-generated image (from Elephants Dream ). The light on the bright background bleeds on the darker areas, such as the walls and the characters. - Wikipedia


i actually dislike the way you guys approached the argument, mf’s took a discussion about cinematography personally lmaooo


This is my last response. you are nitpicking and biased I win bye bye.

you are ignorant and a fool, remain ignorant and pretend to believe what you want to believe or face reality and man up to your mistakes

I lied about that being my last response, THIS is.

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(bloom present in gpo)

That’s hazy, not blurry but same difference

No need to get into this argument, you’re nitpicking and biased as well.

it was the fastest image i could find so it might not be the best representation but its good enough
this might be a better example even though this is really far away

you win

mald harder

Depth of field in roblox games is never done well.
Atleast you can disable it without turning the graphics down in WoM.

I’ve had to quit because of just how godawful my character’s vision is and the headache it was causing me in every game that has it.

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Y’all actually care about this shit? lmao