Strongest character in anime?


why did i just read a neckbeard soyjack rant about two funny muscly men fighting eachother

Why did you have to send us a Wikipedia page link, we get it.

bro these gifs :skull:

the strongest anime characters were the friends we made along the way


Oh Fuck off

Yeah lets stop fighting. Clearly no one on either side is going to be convinced and-

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Only one anime character is hot

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what is with you and fnf if I may inquire

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I cannot be the only one who feels like every fnf mod ends up like this

starts out completely normal and then the absolutely obligatory 3rd song becomes some epic finger breaking mash a thon with a crazy 69420 dimensional god from the fuck dimension that just completely derails the entire theme of the characters into something totally different

like wasn’t bambi literally just some shitty 3d render of like a corn farm?? how the fuck does that jump into whatever mess of polygons this is

sole reason why fnf fell off tbh :yawning_face:


He is canonically god.
Then expunged and bandu appeared.
Then Badai and Badhu
Throw some popularity in the mix and you get what is essentially sansverse 2

oh yeah like that was perfectly obvious from the start

and then all these randoms appeared

on god man I just want a normal fnf mod with a normal build up :frcryin:

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So… the /v/ mod?

w h a t

Guys, please go back on topic, this is about anime, not fnf.

I am heavily tempted to put a nerd emoji

but you make a point

Ok well you know what?


oh shit I forgot about that one

actually one of the best mods ever made

final stage is really cool how be becomes a ghost and it has kinda a sad ending song but really neat and tidy

no crazy button mashing final boss god or some shit

other fnf mod devs TAKE NOTES