Studio Build: Asterios Labyrinth

im just happy with the full world of magic map as a roblox experience, and with no stamina running out every 5 seconds

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imo you make great music, if i could make you then i would have you make all the ao tracks the way naktigonis makes the dw tracks

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Cooking with Tobi

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if this were to miraculously be added to the game, iā€™d particularly want to have it be placed somewhere within the thorne empireā€™s domain, as a callback to how the continent was named after john thorneā€™s homeland back in the war seas


We need to convince Vetex to put this in the game, somehow. IDC if he makes me pay Robux for it, I NEED this in the game. I swearā€¦ Iā€™d spend so much time hereā€¦ No music or anything, just fishingā€¦ walkingā€¦ staring into blank space

If anything elseā€¦ thanks for the nostalgia hitā€¦ Been a few days since my last existential crisis.

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:pray: This would be a great island to chill on for many a WoM fan.

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Well, at least we get a ton of easter eggs throughout the Dark Sea, to both AA and some to WoMā€¦

Thereā€™d be more, with the not-included builds you posted a few days ago, butā€¦yeahā€¦ making use of what we got.

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Waitā€¦ Iā€™m out of likesā€¦ crap. And I just realized somethingā€¦ What is the Lore perspective of the ā€œOld (Magius) Relicsā€ WoM players with bossdrops gotā€¦?

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Honestly, Iā€™m not sure. Iā€™m curious because they have the name ā€œMagius.ā€ Itā€™s interesting because Magius is no longer canon.

:saluting_face: and Iā€™m sure the Dark Sea will get more.

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the magius relics probably just donā€™t actually exist

ā€œHuh what a strange coin Iā€™ve woken up with. Guess Iā€™ll just do nothing with it, never mention it to anyone and not even consider itā€™s valueā€

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Yeah, I think our player character is just schizophrenic. :sweat_smile:

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magius is canon, itā€™s john thorneā€™s homeland on the other side of the world from the seven seas meaning its the home of the capital of the thorne empire
remember what magiusā€™s name came from

Reminds me of a day we were discussing builds in the Galleon, and some guy posted this INSANELY OP build, which however hadā€¦ sadlyā€¦ 5 insanity and 9 drawback, and 126 Attack Speedā€¦ But in purpleā€¦ pinkish purpleā€¦

The dude was scizophrenic enough to imagine the attack speed and manifest it out of pure insanity.

Iirc, the lore doc stated it was his FALLEN homeland. So Im guessing it was his original home and got wrecked by war or something else, which would eventually led to John Thorne creating his own Empire.

Maybe for the people that lost their homes like how he did. It does mirror what was supposed to happen after AA before it got retconned.

But yeah, Magius exists in some way in the War Seas. Well, used to.

maybe magius is gonna be a giant underwater structure like mount olympus will be

That would be cool :poggerfish:

Iā€™d like to clarify some things because people have been only reading this block of text above, and taking everything I said here as the whole story, when this was made before I talked to Vetex and about how I felt, and was my raw and unfiltered feelings. If you read some of my responses further down, I do acknowledge that I was wrong on many fronts, and some of my frustration was misplaced and misinformed. I believe the lack of communication went both ways, and on my part, I should have stated that I wanted to build more and do more for AO.

I think that was ultimately the crux of my frustration, and it had little to do with Vet, and more to do with me wanting to do more, not for building, but for other aspects of the game Iā€™ve shown interest and have contributed to. While it didnā€™t help those multiple times, I didnā€™t receive a response when I offered to help with more music and builds, I think if anything I should have kept asking or just addressed how I felt instead.

I still do think there was a lack of communication on what builders could be doing, would be doing in the future, and why they werenā€™t needed to do anything at present, but we did reach out to Vet multiple times, and we did receive a list and some guidance from him on ideas for wilderness islands that builders could get started on for future Nimbus content. I did have to ask for the list, and for guidance, but thatā€™s not poor communication, thatā€™s getting the ball rolling, and me framing it like builders should have expected that lvl of communication from the start was wrong of me.

So to clarify, no I am not quitting AO. Iā€™m still very passionate about AO, and I still plan to build and do other stuff around AO. If I make something AO-related I want it to be, first and foremost, for fun. AO is my source of inspiration and how I channel my creative energy. If anything I make aligns with the game, then thatā€™s awesome, but I donā€™t want to get stuck into the mindset of only making stuff so they might get into AO. Yes, there are other projects I want to work on, but honestly, I still really like AO so there is no reason for me to up and leave just because I felt dissatisfied.


i love seeing people try their hand in making islands, makes me want to give it a try even more. this looks amazing, especially the interior!

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