Studio Build: Sundered Crown Fortress

━━━━━ Sundered Crown Fortress ━━━━━

A crumbling stronghold left deserted by its previous occupants.

━━━━━━━━ Images ━━━━━━━━


I genuinely don’t understand how stuff like this doesn’t fit AO’s “art style” it looks perfect for the dark sea (or some sort of insanity island)


Oh, that was specifically for the old Dark Sea structures. With this build, I haven’t received any feedback or confirmation from Vet, so I’m unsure if it aligns with his preferences or not.

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I mean I don’t really see any problems with this one so I hope it gets in


I really like this, it feels quite Legend of Zelda-ry at parts

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I’ve taken a step back from advocating for my builds, so I’ve started posting them instead. While it would have been exciting to see them implemented in-game, I’m not actively building for AO at the moment, so I don’t want to raise false hopes about their inclusion.

Ultimately, I created these builds for my own enjoyment in my free time, and I refrained from sharing pictures out of courtesy for Vet in case he wanted to use them. Although I initially built them with the hope of being added to AO, I always understood that their inclusion wasn’t guaranteed, and I was prioritizing my own creative fulfillment over their potential addition to the game.


As always bravo :clap:

This could actually be a really good castle for the empires update where the clans can rebuild the castle and renovate it to be more formidable and every time the castle is taken over it would revert back to its original state and then the clan that took it over can start from scratch.

@Tobi could you refer my idea to Vetex?

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Dope my buddy. I love the room with that lil pool of water. Could work as a DS structure.

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Ngl my biggest complain with AO’s map is how SMALL everything is, it’s not easy to be immersed when most islands are traversed in seconds.
Islands like Darkpine, Sandfall, Elm and Mango should be Frostmill-Sized
Islands like Frostmill, Shell, and Ravenna Should be Othrys Sized
Islands like Sameria should be 2x Othrys

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It’s something I liked in deepwoken, is the size of islands is actually pretty huge compared to the player’s mobility, while in AO, islands feel tiny. Even if they’re somewhat barebone, just being bigger would help in my opinion.

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I find it genuinely irritating that alot of these structures that just straight up look better than what’s ingame don’t make it in because they “don’t fit the style”.

To know that we could have far more interesting and unique variety around the dark sea and its just shut down by “nah” for no discernable logical reason.

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Imo the style of the current things in AO is way too “light” if that makes any sense, we’re supposed to be in warring seas and everyone feels kinda saturated, I always liked more imposing, colorless and big islands/structures.

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yea for a place called the war seas, they are remarkably peaceful lol.

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Another day, another Tobi masterpiece
i love how “cinematic” each of those builds are

I really like this structures that is meant for ds, gives me the sea fort & skull fort from sea of thieves

Having idea ds having small mini bosses in fort structured like this would be very cool, just either unique atlantean or siren

That’s really how it makes me feel, current AO islands for most really feel bland and not imposing/cinematic at all, while alot of Tobi’s build really give that impression of majesty

i remember seeing some castle-like structuring in some old ao promo material (i think it turned out to be images from either talos or akursius) and i kind of imagined something exactly like this being ingame

Thank you! :handshake:

That would be a cool idea, and could fit with the Empires Update, but that’s probably far off. Especially since we probably won’t be getting kingdom alignment for another 1-2 month.

I’m taking a break from AO rn, so honestly I’m the worst person to ask to bring suggestions up to Vetex. Sorry about that.

Ay, thanks m8!

Yeah, honestly it could work well as a Dark Sea Fortress. Like just a random structure you can find in the Dark Sea.

In my view, AO could benefit from more islands like Darkpine, Sandfall, Elm, and Mango. I like to draw parallels to the layout of the Sea of Thieves map.

In Sea of Thieves, there’s a variety of islands of various sizes, spaced out in a way where smaller islands are typically nestled between medium to larger ones. These smaller islands serve as miniature points of interest as you navigate towards the larger ones. I believe that in AO’s map, there needs to be more spacing between islands. Larger islands could be dispersed strategically, while smaller ones would fill the empty space in between.

I don’t necessarily subscribe to the notion that bigger islands are inherently better, unless they’re rich in detail to match their scale. Personally, my least favorite designed islands are Sameria and Orthys because they’re vast in size and lack depth. They feel like empty spaces with little to explore beyond Sameria’s towns, and a small handful of locations and Poseidon’s temple. They’re both literal and metaphorical deserts.

I find it ironic how Vet teased Sameria as a World of Magic-sized island, yet it lacks the variety and density of WoM’s map. While I’m certain there are plans for the future, WoM’s map, on its own and without additional content, surpasses Sameria due to its richer natural exploration opportunities.

So, personally, I’m not in favor of making islands bigger if they’ll just end up as empty spaces with minimal exploration. I believe the current island sizes in AO are fine, but we do need more of them, spread out in a way that makes the map feel expansive and layered like WoM. Some may argue that it would take too long to traverse, but if there are numerous islands to discover along the journey, I think it would be much more enjoyable and impressive.