Studio Builds: Unofficial Dark Sea Structures


nice… imagine vetex add all of them to in game (i know its impossile) but it will be funny.
was simple imagination : P

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pov morden camps

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Yeah I tend to notice that they have really large file sizes for good quality so you might want to stick with pictures if you want good quality.

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I think it’s for consistency and aesthetic. Not speaking for Vet though, but that’s just the impression I got. Personally, I am partial to how Dark Sea structures look, but I think more variety and complexity would be nice.

Thank you! :pray: :heart:

I did some builds for AO, these were meant for the game initially, but ended up getting shelved due to them not matching the style/aesthetic Vet wanted.

Would be neat, but I do agree with Vet that they don’t fit AO’s style, or at least, The Dark Sea island styles. It would be jarring to see such detailed and complex structures on procedural islands, which are very simple and plain.

I did consider creating new small diving spots with these, but I never got around to it, and when I asked Vet he said he didn’t need any more small diving spots so I shelved the idea.

I’m pretty certain it was.
It was behind the Pelion rift in the dark sea.
Morden literally describes seeing ships that couldn’t be friendly in such a place, as well as recalling a giant shadow underneath his ship.

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It still fits the theme imo and he can literally just copy-paste it into his game

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Welcome to another episode of cooking with Tobi

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Hold up

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I don’t think It’s as simple as copy-pasting it into the game, but yea I get what you mean.

LOL, thank you thank you. :beers:

Sanji is the real cook! :man_cook:

You just need to make it into a model and give Vetex access.

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Tobi single-handedly improving the forums with his post once again :clap:

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Ay, appreciated! :beers:

Honestly, it’s been great seeing the forums more active, especially the art forum getting a resurgence. I remember just how empty it got while we waited for AO. It’s nice seeing how lively things are.

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yeah, I’d just save it as a studio file and send it to Vet, the same as I did for Drakos. I haven’t because he said he isn’t going to add more structures atm. Maybe later.

Im a wee bit curious, when it comes to your models of like islands. Do you make the assets yourself or…? Is something like for example. The tree’s a publicly avaliable model. Im curious because i wanted to try making arcane odyssey esque islands.

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the atlantean fort gives off celtor vibes

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he made all the stuff there by himself, ive watched him do so. i like stalking him sometimes :3

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