Stun Changes

Curious how people outside the balance discord feel about this.

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Better than being stunned still and taking two tons of truck damage…

I like it
Gives a window on countering stun spams as well aka blocking or abilities rather than getting stunned and stuck most of the time + still keeps stuns good

I cant argue with it either since pvp is suffering with mosquito builds, making their dodges their parry button so to me this is a good change

Just that you need skill now which i got non against it :3

does it still have a 10 second cd

I mean, sounds more useful than the nigh-impossible-to-use stuns we got rn

NO NOT SHOCKEDDDDD (what happens next is shocking)

wait so what’s the frozen nerf?

Now if you get frozen you arent locked in place in a block of ice, but instead its like most statuses where you get an on screen effect, and you move half a fast and agility effect is canceled (?) For 1 second

noooo my ice warlock is not good anymoreee (it never was that good tho)

jesus christ these are awful as The agility user, I’d much rather be stunned for a second then have all of my agility nullified for a second because one just stops me in place while the other just shocks me from the lack of speed

This is stupid. If you were Vetex and were thinking “hmmm maybe I should do some balancing” and you see that there’s 10+ changes that all need to happen at the same time do you think you’re going to do any of them at all?

Linked changes should actually be linked (Technique reductions + tier adjustments for example)

I feel like completely stopping someone’s movement is cooler, but it is also more unfair. I’m pretty impartial to this change.

On the actual change: I’d rather have stuns be deleted and replaced with big +dmg or DOT, I feel like a slow will be far more disruptive towards fight tempo than a short movement lock

I still hate that paralyzed—sorry, I mean shocked—is based on you dealing massive damage with a magic that has notoriously mediocre damage. Literally only applies in fights you would have won by a landslide.

BTW the reason for this change is because STUNS ARE BUGGED - due to client sided interactions and bugs that stops you from being able to dash - which why they need to be reworked.

Depends on who’s stunning you. Personally I’ve fought JoeC00l and been comboed for 60% of my HP off of a single stun and there was absolutely zero agency in that.

Fought yoshi8me and even the 0.4s stuns on Lightning-Sailor were enough to throw off my momentum, it’s just extremely frustrating.

Tap into any AOSL’s and any mage is using a stun combo.

I’d question why you’re judging crucial gameplay changes on the magnitude of other changes being added. That points more to the magnitude of other changes being added as the issue than the important changes being the issue.

Big Damage/DoT would 100% be more healthy for the game but I think that there’s something wrong about completely removing CC status effects from the game.

As an example going into a game that has an Ice magic, the number one thing you’d expect it to be able to do is freeze someone. Doesn’t really matter if that freeze is a slow or a complete stun so long as it exists to some capacity.

There’s also a level of respect of what Vetex has already added to the game involved. Removing stuns completely would kinda just be spitting in his face, but something must be done, so changing them to slows would be the next best option.

Maybe, maybe not. Personally I think if they are about the same duration (which they are) then slows are a lot more preferable because it doesn’t prevent you from acting. If you look at Mei in Overwatch the transition from stuns to slows ended up working out pretty well :person_shrugging:


For now yes but it can definitely be lowered if needed. The goal for these stun reworks is to avoid changing too much because we can’t see into the future.

Well there’s a pretty big lack of speed after you die from a random stun-combo that a mage pre-practiced several times so be glad you can live to run another day now.

I’ve never seen a stun combo tbh

strange that they all have the same effect now, I def think there should still be variety. doesn’t really make sense that being literally frozen inside ice would also just make you half as fast… maybe add a new affinity for movement speed?