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i just went in photoshop and added a gradient

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it needs to be filled rather than the lines themselves have gradient

everything white stays the same basically
that doesnt look bad though tbf

Seems like Fexo

A bit messy, but like this? (With the aura also colored probably)


Yeah pretty much

And the aura is all gonna stay white

I’m sorry I’m a little unreasonable but can ya’ll let him finish his work without trying your own stuff and whatnot :pray:

I’ll admit it’s a little annoying. He asked permission to finish the drawing I started working on but none of you asked permission to work on his wip


i just wanted to see if i could do it but i fumbled so hard i fucked it up so bad

final product maybe what do you guys think!!!


i looked into this new wiki and all the pages are unfinished :frowning_face:

think i will just stick with the old wiki for now.

You want crystal conj cus if so i have a good one

Hey would you like a conj i am currentpy weay from pc so i can get to you later

sure go ahead and show us

Can i get to you in like 2 or 3 days

I might have a photo but it isnt the type you need

U want me to send or should i hold off a few days to get back home

do it whenever you like
