Submit your oc to be featured as a class icon for the Miraheze wiki!

you may or may not have heard about this project before, if you haven’t, let me give you a quick rundown:

The Miraheze wiki project

there’s a group of forumers that are planning to renovate the Miraheze wiki. The project is ran by volunteers. We are doing this because we feel like fandom is a horrible host for the Arcane Odyssey wiki, as well as a few other criticisms we have of the wiki itself (that being mainly misinformation).

read more here:
Operation: Better wiki

The current team is still not that big, but I volunteered to be the one making icons artwork for the wiki.

We don’t want to copy the fandom wiki, but we took a few inspirations from it. One of them being the class icons. I really liked the way the fandom wiki presented them.

Do you feel like your character could be a representative of their respective class? Send them here and I’ll pick my favorite ones to make the class icons.

Submitting your OC:

  • Make sure to tell me what class you are submitting for.
  • Make sure to mention what magics/fstyles your oc uses.
  • Make sure the pose your character is in shows action and is representative of your class (skill charge for warrior, etc.)
  • Make sure the image has a good quality.
  • Make sure the image has a good environment, don’t submit a screenshot with bad lighting.
  • Make sure to crop the image so that your character is in the centre of it. I don’t want to use full screenshots. Also, don’t send screenshots taken from the titlescreen file.

side notes:

  • By submitting an oc you give us permission to use it in our wiki.
  • Don’t just submit any oc, they have to be somewhat representative of the class you’re going for. (example: A character in full titanium for a class like mage)
  • Don’t flood the thread with all your ocs. I don’t want to put a limit to the amount of submissions you can make but just make sure you’re not making up half of the submissions.

Join the discord as a visitor or to contribute to the project:

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this is my oc i’ve spent 6 months drawing who represents the average mage player. he uses the 2 most vanilla magics, lightning and shadow

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Class: Warlord
Fighting Style: Iron Leg
Weapons: Halberd & Lance

I’m hoping that this fits the requirements, I wanted the lighting to be dramatic but still visible, but if you consider it bad then I can retake the picture under the daylight.

Uhhh… you know what? Sure, I’ll do this. Lemme hop on Arcane Odyssey to screenshot Kaden.

Gonna be my first time playing in months, let’s see how many minutes it takes me to get jumped.

I call dibs on the conjurer icon

Gimme some time to take a screenshot tho

Class: Juggernaut (Sailornaut)
Fighting Style: Sailor Fist
(It was supposed to be a cool shot at Drako Arch’s waterfall, I have no clue why it’s just a wall of neon)

Im calling Dibs on Savant

Class: conjurer
Magic: metal


whichever looks better to you :+1:

lightning conj


Too late I already dibsed conj

Metal conj on top :speaking_head: :fire:

mines is cooler tho

Onion does have a point

ok then heres mine stanced up

also i have the power of nepotism on my side cuz im already part of the project

Plasma Poison

why they looking like a jojo character with that pose

Lighting is good, it’s just that the pose looks a little basic

Better lighting would be appreciated

also i got a paladin if needed

gimme a sec


Class: Savant
Magics: Fire, Wind
Fighting Style: Basic Combat
Weapons: Katana(Acting as a substitute for arcanium katana since they havent been added yet), Colossal Greatsword
Spirit Weapons: Eagles Patrimony