Submit your oc to be featured as a class icon for the Miraheze wiki!

The whole wiki isn’t finished we don’t expect anyone to be using it yet

me when the wiki that is new and actively being worked on is unfinished

Oh hey that’s my knight yippee

found the original pic

I can get it to yall today im like 4 hours or so

I love you miraheze wiki, anytime I see you I do a salute to the correct wiki ! o7

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i managed to get this snapshot for warrior

heres the same thing with worse graphics so you can get the outline down better

Ok midnight i will submit my entrance in like 2 hours

thanks this is like the fourth notification

I think I know

Alr mb

ok so im back now but i cant get a way to face the camera while using a skill can anyone help me?

i have this one and

this one

Those are wayyyy too small

Your character needs to be a lot closer to the camera but also so the full body is shown


Ill do that tmr

How would this look for the oracle page? I don’t have any good drip but I figured the robes could work

Hello Talon0550

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Oh look a new feller!
Do you know how to remove a M:3 Cat-Inator Brain Chip implanted by cat ears?

you ought to get that thing out of you one of these days man