Suggest a feature that will make you public hero #1

can we add farms to ao

I think that’s gonna be added to clan building at some point


There’s no response to that… I’ve been destroyed… my career ruined.

@Herodue thoughts?

I will burn it to the ground

Bro is the tsunami that started the quest :sob:

Would be cool if you could find things from other sea clusters in the dark sea, like lamina, which could be called “Unknown Coin”
or maybe a pirate hat that once belonged to a captain of the one shot pirates, that would just be labeled as “Unknown pirate hat”

idk what I am yammering about anymore, did i cook?


Ok the pirate hat for drip sure, (even though the war seas probably knew Cursebeard existed despite him mainly being in the 7 seas) but what’s the coin for???

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idk, cool item? sell it for galleons? maybe make it a deckhand artifact or somethin

So just lucky coin but not

unlucky coin :fr:

but anyway, i would assume we will get better higher tiered deckhand artifacts in the future?

I guess, I don’t think it’s the coin though I think it’s the lucky part

selling items sell them for how much they say they’re worth in inventory

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I once had 1013
It took me 85 minutes

teenage mutant ninja turtles

Close vetcord chats and make all vetcordians move over to the forums

(this is totally a good suggestion and totally should be put in public hero suggestions)

add a way to rearrange weapons (so you don’t have all 3 on your back), for drip reasons

Add a way to block out all 3 weapon slots so non weapon using builds can have better drip

Add commands that are usable for Elysium server owners, to use in Elysium ig

Some basic ones are-
A way to to toggle insanity effect damage
A way to give players almost every effect (not luck)
A way to fully heal players
A way to toggle combat
A command for a stat modifier (for example, all players do +100% damage or somethin)
A way to lock the main arena or something, so other players can’t interfere with fighting
A way to change temperature/weather (pretty important for fighting bc it effects hot/cold magics)
A way to give other players these commands

More complex ones-

A way to spawn average NPCs (these drop nothin ofc)(from trello, it sounds like npc spawning is already a thing in the test universe?) (also make it so you can spawn your rival :upside_down_face:)

A way to pull up a water arena or something, for boat combat (maybe fill the big middle arena with water?)(with free repair otherwise this would be torture)

A way to slow time? (All players and attacks move slower or something idk, (matrix bullet time))

Maybe add a game mode command or something, that lets you clan build on Elysium and see which team can take the others fort (clear out big arena so the map has space)


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