Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Make the sirens act like the siren boss does in Darkest Dungeon: they can randomly convert a crew mate (or even a co-captain), causing them to attack the player for 15 seconds. For the duration, they are also vulnerable to your attacks.


me looking at Edward and Enizor to the eyes after they got converted by Sirens: “im sorry, old friends…”

It’s only 15 seconds (in darkest it was like 2 rounds), so just try not to hit them for the duration.

Lose all renown upon being hunted

Microtransact-ify everything. Magic? You have to spin it, and spins are only gained by buying them. Fighting Styles? Costs robux to reset them to get another. Weapons? You can buy skins for them and if you buy the starter pack now, get the Turbo Sunken Sword that deals 3x damage! Luck Potions? Make those unobtainable, now you have to buy them with robux. Remove interchange from Mystery 5 and make the Prometheus Acrimony something you have to buy.

But the worst thing I could do?

Right from Wizard 101’s playbook. As soon as you get to Sailor, you have to pay to move on into Fort Talos. Disliked the level gate? Now there’s a pay gate.

Do Mojang-style votes for every single lost/ancient magic when they’re about to be added. The losers are scrapped and the winners take 3 years to add


And watch as the entire community devolves into either thinking Vetex is a community management genius or a lazy sloth

This is a peak bad suggestion

each magic spell should have a complex formula that you must memorize and type out in chat to cast

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This is what following the Trello felt like tbh.

RIP mud magic

Ohhh kinda like magic training

Just be a chemist well versed in the english or latin language and you would steam roll every illiterate person, not knowing how to spell (no offense meant)

welcome to this year’s lost magic vote! here are your options…

Flare Magic
Mud Magic
Aether Magic

and after a highly controversial run of the vote with trolls and propaganda, mud magic wins

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And by endgame Ancient Magic votes:

“Balance Magic
Equinox Magic,
or Promethean Fire!”

And after a popular youtuber tells his fans to vote a certain way: “Balacne Magic wins!”

The thing is, everyone will vote for shatter or I’ll remove their right to forum via a mixture of blackmail, bribery and begging Night.

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Depends on what shatter is competing with.

Bringing back the old debuff that happens when you overfeed yourself which slows you down, dubbed the “fatass” debuff by one of the testers.

…Im pretty sure that was a thing? They were pretty unhappy with it? I wasnt active back during that time in the game’s development and I just found a thread about it on my occasional check in. I could be tripping, it was years ago.

that was a joke

…Still adding it in would still count for the topic, so eh

enemy npc ships spawning more often around you and having a bigger detection range while you have cargo or sealed chests on your ship
