Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

magius relics are tradeable. You shouldn’t have sold them.


Wrong. Love 5 does nothing
Again. The only to cleanse these effects is to delete your save

where have i heard that before

vetex fr saw it and said “holy shit. i’m doing that for everyone. i don’t care if no one can hit an attack now, this shit’s badass”

Add SS13 like healing system

Said SS13 wiki (note there even more)

The Health System

All crew members spawn with 100% health, and with four categories of damage: suffocation, toxin, burn, and brute. Any damage taken will add to its corresponding category and subtract from total health. There is also brain and bleeding damage, which work differently from the others. As one’s health declines, they will be slowed down and generally find it harder to move around. Certain drugs, such as morphine and salicylic acid, can reduce these penalties.
At 0% health, the patient enters critical health. They will stumble around, have significantly lower max stamina (-100) and stamina regeneration (-5), fall in and out of consciousness, begin to slowly take suffocation as well as brain damage and have an ever-increasing chance to develop shock and cardiac failure. If left untreated, they will eventually reach a certain amount of damage (overall, around 400) and can randomly die. Atropine and synaptizine when used together can greatly reduce this chance. Generally speaking, people are unlikely to survive 200 (-100% health) or more total damage.
If the patient is properly healed and returned above 0% health, their body will still need time to recuperate. After leaving critical condition, they will receive a “Recent Trauma” debuff, decreasing max stamina by 100 and stamina regeneration by 2. Morphine and/or salicylic acid can help patients recover from recent trauma faster, the former more than the latter.

Main article: Chemicals#Medical Chems
Medical doctors have access to some of these in medbay, and others can be created by botanists (though you’ll have to nag them for it). The quartermaster can order a number of medical resupply kits. Advanced drugs can be created by the scientists, assuming they haven’t already burned themselves to death. Medibots synthesize many different medicines, which are indicated in the table below.
Drug Use Advanced version
Ephedrine Stabilizes critical patients, but less effectively than epinephrine. Reduces stun/knockdown effects. Addictive. Epinephrine
Epinephrine Stops suffocation, stabilizes critical patients. Treats cardiac problems. Dampens severe allergic reactions and flushes out histamine somewhat. Reduces stun/knockdown effects. Slows down effects of saxitoxin. Causes sickness on overdose (20+ units). Atropine
Salbutamol Treats suffocation damage and respiratory failure and repairs the lungs and spleen. Part of the standard medibot injection set. Perfluorodecalin
Styptic Powder Heals BRUTE. Slightly slows down the health loss from bleeding, but it won’t help much in severe cases. Only apply topically (patch, dropper, etc.)! Synthflesh
Silver Sulfadiazine Heals BURN. Only apply topically (patch, dropper, etc.)! Synthflesh
Saline-glucose Solution Slowly heals BRUTE and BURN, handles circulatory shock, increases the body’s natural regeneration rate of blood. Part of the standard medibot injection set. Having Saline in your bloodstream for too long will cause hypertension due to its blood regenerating effects.
Charcoal Treats TOX, absorbs other reagents in the body, heals damage to the liver, kidneys, stomach, and intestines, and can cure kidney and liver failure. Pentetic Acid
Calomel Rapidly flushes chemicals out of people’s bloodstreams, but causes TOX in the process. Pentetic Acid
Potassium Iodide Basic anti-radiation medicine. Reduces radiation, heals a small sliver of TOX, and can repair kidney, liver, intestines, and stomach damage a little bit. Part of the standard medibot injection set. Pentetic Acid
Ammonium Bicarbonate
(Smelling salts) Basic anti-radiation medicine, weaker than potassium iodide. Stabilizes critical patients, slightly more effectively than ephedrine but not epinephrine. Flushes out certain depressants and knockout drugs. Pentetic Acid
Cryoxadone Heals all organs and most damage types; used in cryo chambers. Only works at low temperatures! Omnizine
Salicylic Acid Basic painkiller. Heals small amounts of BRUTE. Decently reduces the speed penalty from injuries, reduces overheating, and helps with recovering from Recent Trauma, though not as much as morphine. Morphine
Morphine Sedation. Low doses significantly reduce the speed penalty from severe injuries, help with jitteriness, and speed up recovery from Recent Trauma. Addictive.
Chicken Soup Basic anti-viral. Can cure minor diseases, such as food poisoning or the flu, but not as well as Robustissin can. Available from coffee machines. Robustissin
Space Ipecac Emetic. May induce vomiting, causing the patient spew out their most recent meal (and whatever reagents/poisons were in it) as half-digested food chunks. May cause food poisoning.
Promethazine Anti-emetic. Stops almost all vomiting, helping to ease the symptoms of (but not cure) food poisoning and addiction withdrawls.
Menthol Burn and fever medication. Attempts to lower body temperature back to normal, sometimes heals a little BURN. Can penetrate skin.
Diphenhydramine Also known as antihistamine. Treats allergic reactions by flushing out histamine and reducing its effects. Epinephrine
Synaptizine Stimulant, stronger buffs than epinephrine or ephedrine. Sometimes cures brain damage, more effective at higher brain damage levels. Causes sickness at high (40) doses. Mannitol
Drug Use
Atropine More powerful version of epinephrine, useful when a patient is near death. Fixes cardiac problems, heals a bit of brain, BRUTE, and BURN, and rapidly flushes saxitoxin out of the body.
Perfluorodecalin Treats suffocation very well, causes mildly annoying gasping in the meantime. Slowly heals BRUTE and BURN and heals lung and spleen damage slightly faster. Can cure respiratory failure. Synthesized by the Head Surgeon medibot instead of salbutamol. Addictive. You might see people walking out of the cloner with a Perfluorodecalin addiction once in a while.
Synthflesh Heals BRUTE and BURN very effectively, and also stops bleeding instantly. Only apply topically (patch, dropper, etc.)!
Pentetic Acid Reduces radiation, heals TOX, treats damage to the liver, kidneys, stomach, and intestines, can cure kidney and liver failure, flushes all other chemicals. Causes BRUTE and BURN.
Omnizine Heals all organs and most types of damage, reduces bleeding slightly, and regenerates blood. Addictive.
Haloperidol Anti-psychotic/sedative. Rapidly removes psychoactive drugs and stimulants, can cure certain psychoses, causes brain damage. Regular darts fired by the tranquilizer rifle also contain it.
Spaceacillin Treats certain diseases. Part of the standard medibot injection set.
Robustissin Can cure minor diseases, such as food poisoning or the flu.
Mannitol Cures brain damage.
Mutadone Removes mutations, harmful, beneficial, or harmless.
Oculine Treats eye and hearing damage.
Antihol Treats drunkenness.
Insulin Handles hyperglycaemic shock.
Teporone Normalizes body temperature. Addictive.
Filgrastim Stimulates blood production; usually used after moderate blood loss.
Heparin An anticoagulant, which will worsen bleeding but will also lessen the symptoms of hypertension, lower blood clots, and help with heart disease.
Proconvertin A coagulant, which will significantly lessen blood loss. If you use too much, it can worsen or sometimes cause clots, and increase blood pressure.
Not all mobs are susceptible to all damage types, but humans and monkeys are generally the most vulnerable. A couple of mutations, for example thermal resistance, offer some immunity. Of note:

  • Changelings don’t have to breathe and are thus not affected by suffocation and gas leaks, and they also can’t contract diseases and pathogens, or develop heart conditions.
  • Vampires are immune to diseases and pathogens.
  • Cyborgs don’t have to worry about toxins, radiation or suffocation, but they can still be dented or burned.
    In technical terms, the damage types are often referred to as OXY, TOX, BURN, BRUTE, BRAIN, BLEEDING, EYE, and EAR.
    Note: Don’t forget that every medical PDA (cyborgs included) is equipped with a reagent scanner! Separate hand-held devices and upgrades for regular health analyzers are also available. Its usefulness to quickly identify poisons cannot be overstated.

The patient has been exposed to an area without a proper atmosphere, or strangled. Other possible causes include:

  • Presence of CO2.
  • Certain chemicals and chemical fumes, for example pancuronium.
    Salbutamol will speed up recovery, but suffocation damage will heal naturally if there is enough air to breathe, provided the patient has not gone into critical health. If they are wearing an air tank and mask, make sure the valve isn’t closed. If it isn’t, the tank is probably empty or not configured properly, so take it off.
    A patient in critical health can’t breathe unassisted. Inject saline and/or epinephrine to stabilize them, or give CPR by using an empty hand on them with Help intent. Make sure neither of you are wearing masks or hats.

The patient is having trouble breathing. The patient’s OXY damage will fail to naturally clear and speaking will cause the words to come out as whispers. Not really a damage type, but nevertheless acts like one and is very closely associated with suffocation damage and the things that cause suffocation, though, technically speaking, it does not in and of itself cause it.
You won’t find it on a scanner reading, but if you ever see an O2 Warning icon pop up on your screen, that’s LOSEBREATH at work.
Salbutamol will help the patient breathe again, as will cardiac stimulants like epinephrine, but LOSEBREATH will reverse itself naturally, proved there is enough air to breathe, and the patient is not in critical condition or worse. Giving CPR by clicking on a patient with an empty hand with Help intent will also reduce LOSEBREATH.

Toxin damage can come from a few sources:

  • Breathing plasma - Move the patient to a safe area if there is a gas leak.
  • Certain viruses - Treat the virus first, then deal with the toxin damage.
  • Ingesting harmful chemicals - Treat the poisoning first, then administer anti-toxins.
  • Radiation poisoning - Deal with the poisoning first if anti-rad medicine is available.
    The primary remedy is activated charcoal (anti-toxin pills). In severe cases, calomel will rapidly flush the patient at the cost of causing toxic damage itself. Pentetic acid is a superior alternative.
    Certain toxins warrant special considerations:
  • Embalming fluid: Will decay into histamine, which can cause anaphylaxis.
  • Amanitin: This poison will cause toxic damage when the last unit decays. The amount of damage is based on how long it was in the patient’s bloodstream.
  • Coniine: Causes rapid asphyxiation and renders the victim incapable of speech.
  • Saxitoxin: Causes paralysis, shaking, vomiting, suffocation, toxin damage, and some burn damage. Neutralize with atropine.
  • Venom: Causes toxic and brute damage. Decays into histamine, and can gib in large doses.
    Toxin damage may also affect the kidneys and/or liver. Their own particular considerations are detailed in their respective sections.

Burn damage can come many sources, such as:

  • Fire, acid and electrical shocks are the most common.
  • Exposure to space and Trench tiles without protective gear.
  • Exposure to extremely high or low temperatures.
  • Explosions.
  • Inhaling superheated gas will fry someone’s lungs from within, causing massive burn damage. Make sure you have internals on before rushing to help these patients.
  • Certain weapons (such as a welder or phasers) will also cause burn damage.
  • Eating spicy food or food injected with certain hot chemicals.
    If the patient is on fire, put the fire out before anything else, The burning sprite can be slow to update sometimes, so it can be hard to tell if you have extinguished the fire. Stuffing the patient into cryo will rapidly put out the fire while also healing them - making it perfect for all those flaming assistants running around. Once the source of the burn damage is removed, treat with burn medication (e.g. silver sulfadiazine, burn patches) or cryo.

Brute damage is probably the most common form you will see. It comes in many forms:

  • Bruises from physical combat, melee weapons, etc.
  • Being struck by a thrown object.
  • Being shot by a revolver or other kinetic weapons.
  • Explosions.
  • Certain viruses and chemicals, for instance itching powder.
  • Slipping on space lube.
  • Taking a trip through a waste disposal chute.
    Brute damage can be treated with styptic powder, synthflesh, healing patches or cryo. If the patient has been shot, they will continue to bleed until the bullet is removed. This requires surgery. If you cannot get the bullet out immediately, administer a pill of salicylic acid, which will boost their movement speed to normal, and send them to medbay for further treatment.

Brain damage is typically caused when other types of damage force a person into critical condition. Other possible factors include:

  • Severe head injuries.
  • Certain viruses.
  • Exposure to a number of chemicals, such as neurotoxin, haloperidol, saxitoxin or mercury.
    People with the Frail Constitution trait take twice as much brain damage, making them especially vulnerable.
    If you lay a patient on an operating table that has an operating computer next to it, the operating computer can tell you how much brain damage they have, albeit indirectly. The machine indicates a patient’s “Neuron Cohesion”, and it’s calculated as (120 - brain damage)/120 %. That means the lower the percentage, the more brain damage the patient has. If you’re good with doing numbers on the fly, you can reverse the machine’s calculation, but it might be better to remember certain milestones, like 50% Neuron Cohesion = 60 brain damage or 91.66% Cohesion = 10 brain damage.
    Health analyzers are less exact and don’t provide an exact value for brain damage, but it is definitely quicker to use. If somebody has suffered brain damage, the readout will indicate the fact:
  • “Significant brain damage detected. Subject may have had a concussion.” (More than 10 BRAIN),
  • “Severe brain damage detected. Subject likely unable to function well.” (More than 60 BRAIN),
  • “Subject is braindead.” (More than 100 BRAIN).
    Examining a person with severe brain damage will also reveal that they appear to have a stupid expression on their face. Heavy brain damage causes the patient to gibber everything they say and involuntarily scream over the radio in all caps. It also makes it difficult for them to do certain tasks, such as using computers and operating doors. Extreme brain damage will make it difficult to even breathe. Too much brain damage (120 BRAIN) will outright kill them.
    Mannitol is the primary counter to brain damage. Synaptizine is highly effective at curing high levels of brain damage. Holy water is also excellent at healing brain damage, though only if topically (e.g. dropper, patch, beaker splash) applied. Patients with Aquatic Genetics can heal minor amounts of brain damage by eating brain burgers and certain types of brains, though obtaining said brains presents some logistical and Rules-related hurdles. If the patient is in critical condition, stabilize them with epinephrine or other means first, preventing further accumulation of brain damage. To deal with any poisons, follow the standard detox procedures and then follow up with a pill of mannitol.

The cardiovascular system of a human or monkey contains 500 units of blood. Any attack with a sharp object (e.g. broken bottle, scalpel, or kinetic firearms) is likely to open a wound, and the rate of the blood loss depends on the severity of the injury. Vampires are another major threat, as they tend to drain their victims dry when given the opportunity. While minor cases can be fairly harmless, blood pouring out at an alarming rate will have a life-threatening impact in a matter of minutes. If the blood level is lower than…

  • 400: Small chance to go into shock.
  • 300: Medium chance for shock, the patient will be slowed down to walking speed, experience random stuns or pass out.
  • 200: High chance for shock, walking speed, random stuns and KOs.
  • 100: High chance for shock, walking speed, lots of random stuns and KOs. The patient will steadily rack up OXY and BRAIN damage, enter critical condition and pass away in short order.
    You can assess the patient’s condition with a health analyzer or by examining them. Somebody with a low blood level will appear “pale”, for instance. More accurate readings can be obtained by upgrading the analyzer, which will tell you the exact amount of blood and blood loss per life cycle.
    Stopping the Bleeding

When dealing with a bleeding patient, the priority should be to mend the wound, as they’ll just bleed out any medicine you put in their bloodstream. Topical drugs (such as styptic powder) can still be somewhat effective, though. You have a number of options:

  • Wait it out. The body can occasionally heal 1 BLEEDING over time, so minor wounds can be ignored under certain circumstances. Don’t count on this to save someone’s life.
  • Using the Help intent on somebody may slow the rate of bleeding, but it’s not very reliable. Both parties have to stand still.
  • Cauterize the wound with a welding tool, zippo lighter, igniter or lit cigarette. Beware, this will burn the patient as well.
  • Medical patches can reduce bleeding, but only to a certain point. It can’t help in severe cases.
  • Certain medical chemicals, for example, styptic powder, synthflesh, omnizine, and proconvertin. See Drugs for more info.
  • Bandages and sutures work reliably and don’t have negative side-effects.
    Note: Only sutures are capable of mending surgical incisions. Every other option can slow the rate of blood loss, but won’t close the wound entirely no matter how hard you try. If examining the patient reveals one or multiple “open incision[s] on their [body parts]”, target the correct one and use a suture as many times as necessary to mend all incisions.
    Restoring Blood

All patched up? Great, but your job isn’t done yet. While the patient’s body will replenish blood at a slow-but-steady rate if they have a healthy spleen, chances are an infusion (via blood bags) will be required in case of considerable loss of overall blood volume or severely-damaged/absent spleen, which prevents the body’s natural blood regeneration. Filgrastim also helps to replenish the blood supply and is best of all medicines at it, followed by omnizine, saline-glucose solution, and iron.
Please note that, unlike real life, blood type does not matter. While a framework work for types exists, they currently do not come into play during blood transfusions. People with AB blood, for example, can donate to people with O blood, and vice versa. Besides, even if it did, the blood bags in Medbay’s blood supply fridge and Blood Bank crates have synthetic blood that’s coded to be accepted by all blood types (again, not that it means much).
Also of note: bullet and shrapnel wounds can be bandaged, but surgery is still necessary to get rid of the random stuns and accumulating brute damage.
Vampires can bleed as well, but only if they’ve already built up a reserve of blood. They bleed on a per-attack basis only (as opposed to a certain amount per tick), and are completely unaffected by the debilitating side-effects detailed in the paragraph above.

Patient’s retinas are damaged, typically as a result of exposure to bright lights. One of the least common damage types, though probably one of the most annoying. Potential sources include:

  • Welding without protection.
  • Improper use of flash powder.
  • Flashbangs.
  • Getting capsaicin on the skin/face.
  • Exposure to flashes and other bright lights while wearing optical thermal scanners.
  • Blinding spells.
    Eye damage worsens the effects of sources of eye damage. If eye damage is allowed to accumulate, later eye injuries can result in blurriness, temporary short-sightedness, and eventually permanent bl
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i aint reading allat


That is the whole point (btw it gets worse you should see atmospheric wiki page or mining… or robotics or science or chemistry or plasma bombs or anything else about SS13)

remove the [Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE you want to delete this file?] comfirmation thing and make it deletes the file the first time you press the button

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Make the sirens act like the siren boss does in Darkest Dungeon: they can randomly convert a crew mate (or even a co-captain), causing them to attack the player for 15 seconds. For the duration, they are also vulnerable to your attacks.


me looking at Edward and Enizor to the eyes after they got converted by Sirens: “im sorry, old friends…”

It’s only 15 seconds (in darkest it was like 2 rounds), so just try not to hit them for the duration.

Lose all renown upon being hunted

Microtransact-ify everything. Magic? You have to spin it, and spins are only gained by buying them. Fighting Styles? Costs robux to reset them to get another. Weapons? You can buy skins for them and if you buy the starter pack now, get the Turbo Sunken Sword that deals 3x damage! Luck Potions? Make those unobtainable, now you have to buy them with robux. Remove interchange from Mystery 5 and make the Prometheus Acrimony something you have to buy.

But the worst thing I could do?

Right from Wizard 101’s playbook. As soon as you get to Sailor, you have to pay to move on into Fort Talos. Disliked the level gate? Now there’s a pay gate.

Do Mojang-style votes for every single lost/ancient magic when they’re about to be added. The losers are scrapped and the winners take 3 years to add


And watch as the entire community devolves into either thinking Vetex is a community management genius or a lazy sloth

This is a peak bad suggestion

each magic spell should have a complex formula that you must memorize and type out in chat to cast

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This is what following the Trello felt like tbh.

RIP mud magic

Ohhh kinda like magic training

Just be a chemist well versed in the english or latin language and you would steam roll every illiterate person, not knowing how to spell (no offense meant)

welcome to this year’s lost magic vote! here are your options…

Flare Magic
Mud Magic
Aether Magic

and after a highly controversial run of the vote with trolls and propaganda, mud magic wins

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