Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

What if your character’s gay?

You still get sent to jail :fr:

What if they’re lesbian?


harassment is harassment

@DubiousLittleTyp0 keep cooking king

You only get 1 weapon slot pre-awakening

For each awakening, you get an option to pick another weapon slot for hybrids and savants while warriors gain an additional weapon slot + warrior’s aura

Every time you die you have to pay 50k galleon hospital bills, and if your dept goes above 500k you have to stay an hour for every 1k you owe in the mines. Your debt cap will go up 500k every time you pay off your debt, meaning the second time you will have to stay a thousand hours and on and on.

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nerfing thermo even more(its literally the solution to world hunger)

Thermo is a bit too op right now it deals 2 damage and only takes 7 millennia to charge

Sink Ravenna to the Depths


frostmill should be layer 2

[Begin sarcasm]Giving every NPC the ability to teleport spam definitely won’t have any negative consequences whatsoever. Not even if they still get to block and/or parry randomly while doing that, and stick to only using ranged attacks that they can use quickly before teleporting again. [End sarcasm]

New stat


every attack you do has a chance to proc I frames the higher the stat in iframes the higher the chance the stat will proc

ban all alternate / bank accounts in game, as they give an unfair inventory and clan advantage

Better new stat: critical hit chance.

This stat, starting at 1%, can be scaled by equipping armor with the “Dangerous” or “Lethal” enchantments. Every time an ability is cast, the attack is tested, having a percentile chance based on the character Critical stat to become Critically Charged.

All attacks that are Critically Charged gain a reputation-based colored particle effect. Bounty players’ attacks would be tinted red, fame players’ would be tinted green.

The function of critical hits is quite simple: being hit by one deals x3 damage. However, this can be reduced by the player’s Critical Negation Chance.

Critical negation is not a set reduction of critical hit damage. Instead, it is a percentile chance for an incoming critical hit to do x1.5 damage instead of x3.

TF2 Random Crits:

Only if you’re in a US server

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new feature:buffing mages