Arcane Odyssey Hot Takes?

I don’t like the idea of a grindy rare armor set that’s just blatantly better than a boss drop in every single way


on that note, hyper rare armors/weapons shouldn’t exist

yeah you heard me. if they’re too good everyone has to get them and the people who don’t wanna deal with that bullshit are always at a disadvantage, if they’re too bad they’re not worth the effort


:raised_hand: :ear: :older_man:
“What did you say young man?”

Personally, I think sunken warrior should have more defense but less speed than Ceneryx.

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i agree with the people above, everything should be easy to get, since this is a pretty pvp sided game. sunkens should be made way more common (like 1/500, which is still rare) because only the no lifers and traders have them. On that note, allow macro fishing again, it doesnt hurt anyone but these salty traders who lose some fake inventory value.

hot take

all gear should be removed.

as in, stats and stuff.

you can still use gear for cosmetic purposes but it doesn’t grant any statboosts.

everyone plays fairly and there’s no cheesy 500+ size/attack speed freaks running around

Terrible idea, possibly the worst in this thread

ye I agree with AwesomeOS, if there was a downvote reaction I would be spamming it rn

Stats are one of the most essential and fun parts of the game-who doesn’t like to customize their armor build and create really crazy (but fun) build with epic stats?

My hot take:
Remove the 3 newest stats (regeneration, resistance, and armor piercing). I think keeping it simple with just the 6 core stats (power, defense, attack speed, attack size, agility, intensity) would be the best fit for this game. You can still keep insanity, warding, and drawback. Regen, resistance, and ap are just too complicated and there can be many bugs.


sob is now the makeshift downvote reaction :sob:

personally agree. but i do think stats should be nerfed overall? there’s way too much of an incentive on stats. which i’d be fine with in a pve game, but in a game where pvp can always be forced it’s annoying fighting someone on your level, but feel like 100 levels apart.

the change where surge doesn’t deal any knockback is bad
the knockback made it interesting
vetex just removed all knockback from it, so even wind surge doesn’t do knockback anymore, which is literally it’s special effect

Remove either all substats, power and defense alone, or all stats at all

only then will we achieve absolute balance

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blocks/parries makes the pvp feel more boring

are you a sunken staff user by any chance?

i use

1st magic: q 1x leap, e 2x beam, r 1x blast, f javelin, v pulsar, c surge, x 20 blast, z aura (shadow)
2nd magic: is q 2x leap, e 2x beam, r blast, f shockwave placed explosion, v pillar self explosion, c snare, x i forgot what self explosion, z 5x leap

I use r explosion

Probably not that hot, but oh my god fighting styles suck so badly compared to magic
My replay save is a lightning warlock, and I almost never use my fighting style compared to my magic.
Firstly you need XP and stat points to even use abilities
Secondly crash is useless because short range + gets caught on walls all the time
And also this is ice cold but this game runs like a dog with no legs

this take is hotter than the Wolf-Rayet star WR 102 bro, how the fuck are you playing warlock for it to be this abysmal??? What FS do you run???

I assume you mean FS mastery XP so thats fair but stat points? stat points???. I get blast is automatically unlocked and crash isnt but like every other magic spell is unlocked by stat points.

2 questions.

Are you aiming at your target?

What FS do you run?

There is no shot lightning crash on most FS is short ranged, iron leg possibly, but still, with my wood thermo warlock I go pretty far and wood is a slow fucking magic.

im using iron leg as a placeholder until I get sailor style
I mainly made this because it was 11pm and I was mad, also I get the stat points are both needed for stength and magic just like mastery/xp + stat points is just worse than just stat points

Probably shouldn’t be using iron leg with lightning, not the greatest combination