Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

And by endgame Ancient Magic votes:

“Balance Magic
Equinox Magic,
or Promethean Fire!”

And after a popular youtuber tells his fans to vote a certain way: “Balacne Magic wins!”

The thing is, everyone will vote for shatter or I’ll remove their right to forum via a mixture of blackmail, bribery and begging Night.

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Depends on what shatter is competing with.

Bringing back the old debuff that happens when you overfeed yourself which slows you down, dubbed the “fatass” debuff by one of the testers.

…Im pretty sure that was a thing? They were pretty unhappy with it? I wasnt active back during that time in the game’s development and I just found a thread about it on my occasional check in. I could be tripping, it was years ago.

that was a joke

…Still adding it in would still count for the topic, so eh

enemy npc ships spawning more often around you and having a bigger detection range while you have cargo or sealed chests on your ship


Give the game a “poise” system where if you take too much damage while casting/ using a move, the attack gets cancelled. Poise would increase with armors, namely through ones that give Defense.


Crit chance on all forms of damage (including lightning strikes)

lightning strikes are guaranteed to remove a limb

Your character still has amnesia and frequently forgets abilities

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This is just the canon explanation for Fighting Style “Mastery”.

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Im late but

Make executions permanently wipe all your bounty.
Make any bad deed have a random chance to completely delete fame, including random misclicks like property destruction

Enable friendly fire for all fame levels, making them more susceptible to losing their fame [as they should, the clumsy gits]

Make jail sentences for heros

“Ey, Klaus, how do I uppercut again?”

its funny because in my lore my berserker isnt even an amnesiac, he just met my mage and conjurer who are
dont ask how both of them managed to get amnesia while morden didnt because idfk

pop-up ads
unskippable, for no reason unneccesairly long cutscenes

Rotate out testers every 3 weeks but skew it so 90% of each batch are leaderboard players
