Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

permadeath (you have 1 life) and you lose your whole inventory on death

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If you get a sunken while fishing the players can kill you and steal your sunken within an hour and you are given a head start of at least 5 seconds.

You’ll also have a huge marker above your head and every player’s map can also locate where you are currently.

You can’t steal it back btw, if someone kills you they get it and they are given a 5 minute protection from whoever they stole it from.


Buff mage

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Relationship meter so that you can date Iris and Carina.


Add boobs to all fema-

Fuck not this again…


Iris and Carina? Why would I want to date them? They both have the personality of burning cardboard.

make seasonal items extremely powerful and eta so only people with seasonals can pvp without dieing.

Calvus’s attacks should blind (he has Aether Magic which is an upgrade of light)


Turn everyone into furries.


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yeah, i know.

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at the end of the story you wake up in a modern world and it was just a dream

god i hate when games/shows do plot twists like that we dont care about real life high school drama go back to the magical world you dumbass frog


I have seen that pulled off well like once. And it was in Prey, which was a simulated memory of someone who really did exist but the player character is actually a monster being implanted with the memories to see if they are capable of empathy by reliving the memories and making different choices.

Every other time it’s a cheap ass cop-out. HOWEVER, it would be a kinda neat ‘What if’ if by the end of AO you see the protagonist (still alive by some crazy voodoo) in a city. Not really ‘waking up to the modern world’ but imagining AO’s setting once their technology reaches the modern era and the magical radiation is gone.


Lower pulsar magic req to 100 (hehehehehehehehehe)

If you die you get banned from AO forever and also roblox and ur PC blows up in ur face.

uhh ok.

Good now?

I think yes…

U might wanna edit this post if ur worried about breaking the rules.

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I checked, there is a lot of topics mentioning that.
Since they are not banned, im not gonna be banned too.