Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

add jails for positive reputation players
and rename fame to ransom along side it

no just remove jail and make bounty negative fame, while replacing all gravy ships with pirate ships and double the spawn rate of all pirate/assassin ships so you cant sail 30 meters before a heavy exploding shell flies at you. also enable npc brigs spawning and make silverhold just another claimable island

they said make you public enemy #1
not the GOAT
(because i mean… ships are free sealeds IMO)

singleplayer servers

again… you are supposed to suggest ideas soo bad they would make you be witchhunted by the entire community
not ideas that people would actually love

no yeah that would fix every frustration i’ve had with the game i just wanted to say it

to add on to that suggestion make all ships pirate brigs with maxed deckhands and dark sea ship parts (the deckhands would all be level 125 so you would have to fight 4 level 125s and a level 160 captain)

I thought of an actual bad feature that could be added: rough seas having a chance to knock cargo or sealed chests off your deck and into the ocean

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yes but what about 2+ atlean essence

  1. It’s not my main build
  2. Unnecessary to be honest, and I don’t wanna add in another Virtuous when I want more agility or attack speed. The Virtuous here was to compensate for a powerful scroll anyways.

if you capture silverhold a greatly armoured brig will spawn with admiral adkins as its captain

  1. You have to pay to refight a boss with real money
  2. Dont lower the attack size scaling
  3. Revert the clan infamy system to the one in WOM(any player kills count towards infamy)(would be much better but still annoying)
  4. Your character wipes after you hit a certain age(magic builds would be 500- 100 but their aging speeds up the higher their age limit is)(non magic builds have a lifespan of 70)

Based explosion fan

I fuck with this

dodge stat that’s purely rng that makes you just not take damage sometimes

Male characters that get hit in a 1 square stud region between the torso and legs takes doubled damage and is immediately paralyzed. If this damage would be high enough to cause limb loss, the character instantly dies.

There is now also 5th Amour slot for that area, which adds Stamina, a stat exclusive to that 5th Amour slot.

Stamina does not do anything.

Thought of yet another one: thunder crystals react like electric nova potions if your ship runs over them.

Dying in the dark sea should save your complete build (including armour stats and rare techniques and spells) and whenever an atlantean spawns it has a chance to take on these builds.

I want everyone to suffer against metamancer atlanteans or one that uses vetex’s cataclysm magic >:3
or just a bunch of lvl 1s