Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

I am going to execute you. the speed boost is AMAZING (I invested all my stats into ship speed so this at level two is giving me +6 speed)

it isn’t about the resilience
it is about the +20% speed

You can go beyond the current max level, doing so requires you to kill players in PVP.

Have fun.

Destruction is permanent, meaning that you can now dig up entire islands and remove them from the map.

Yeah, and?

(trying to find a way to put it sfw… realizes there is no sfw way to put it…)

The uptime for that is like, <10% which is already being generous

your boat no longer immediately despawns in the dark sea, but only in range 2+

Anything made of metal is far more likely to be struck by lightning with chances increasing based on how much metal it is and how conductive it is.

This applies to: Armor, weapons, magic, crewmates, co-captains, deckhands, hull armor, cannons, ect.

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Heh… Guess what

When nimbus sea awakening releases you are forced to climb the huge ass mountain 5 timer bigger than stepstones to scream “STRIKE ME DOWN ZEUS, YOU DONT HAVE THE BALLS” then you get a 0.1 second QTE where you must parry the lightning strike to get your 3rd mind and if you dont you lose your 2nd mind and go back to no awakening and you can only get it back in the next sea

make deckhand abilities charge when sinking or damaging ships, when enough damage has been dealt you get a charge of your deckhand ability, however if you keep multiple charges and allow it to charge completely, you’re able to use a buffed version of their ability called an ultimate ability.

also, you can use your standard deckhand ability without cooldown if you have enough charges left, with the only cooldown being the duration its active.

amount of charges required to use a deckhand ability and ultimate ability are dependent on which profession the deckhand has.

inspiration : advance wars 2

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driveby shooting

Stat is capped at your current level. I don’t need to tell you why that’s bad right?

fun fact: dawn island’s lightning had to specifically be nerfed to not cause terrain destruction because after too long most of the island got destroyed

After redocking at a shipwright, you have to wait 4 minutes to redock again.

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Durza somehow returns and nukes the planet a few times which you died and the game ends

in addition to having to pay the shipwright galleons to repair your ship it also gives you a quest to destroy x/amount of trees or x/amount of boats for the materials to repair the ship

each positive shipwright now has a unique quest to prove to them that you’re not a pirate and if you fail it they permanently refuse you service

magic jumps have a 30 second cooldown after being used 3 times