Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Oh wait what if it didn’t say the player name and instead just said “someone” and if you wanted it you had to find out who had it

White eyes and the giant version now swim twice as fast and can now drag your ship down to the bottom of the ocean with a new special move, taking out 50% of the ship’s health if it is smaller than a galleon.
Before this change, they were way too easy to fight if you just stayed on your boat and used shark hunting attachments.
This change should ensure a more balanced and fair fight against white eyes.

Also, if you die to a white eyes. A pitched-down version of “Baby Shark” plays on the death screen for about 8 seconds.

make legendary charts like AA where everyone can see where you are and steal them to get a legendary weapon which cant even be used cause weapon requirements are too high

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Using sailor style makes you swear a lot and gets your account banned

you can only become a berserker if you are ripped irl (send vetex a photo for proof)

Disable negative reps from talking to shop npcs and add randomly spawning traveling merchants that can only spawn in merchant boats or in wilderness areas replacing villains/heros npcs

Just like in WoM


Every time you have sealed chests or cargo on your ship a message is announced to the entire server, “[Insert username here] IS DOING CARGO/GETTING SEALED CHESTS! GET HIS ASS!” and a waypoint is put on you as well as a massive beacon that can be seen from anywhere on the map including the dark sea

whenever you talk about leaders ingame (nobles, kings, generals, etc) you get banned for discussing politics

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you now have an option to cannibalize certain NPCs.

this includes enemy NPCs like pirates or atlanteans or syndicate members or the gravy

cannibalism drenches your avatar in blood, and the corpse of your meal will gradually decay and fall apart until its an unrecognizable blob of meat and bone based on how much you cannibalize them.

when they’re fully cannibalized you can sell the bones for some galleons.

this literally is just ingame for the sole reason that being able to eat an assassin sounds awesome because I fucking hate those guys and I want to strike fear into them by eating their bretheren.

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you can also use partially consumed bodies to tame sharks

Killing too many people gives you perm insanity.

Idk if I posted here yet and I am too lazy to check.

Every Halloween from now on, the game converts to the Atlantean Infection AU for a week, as detailed in the following post:

… Hang on, I don’t actually hate this idea


my delusions will be canon in arcane odyssey, trust :pray:


this would actually be a fire halloween event though

Yeah, it actually would. Too fire to be constrained to Halloween, honestly.

april fools: everyone in the sea clusters are atlanteans, with dark sea weather, while the dark sea is perfectly clear and normal, with the atlanteans being replaced by normal wizards


People grinding for Atlantean essences:

april fools: everyone has curses (EVERYONE) so all level numbers are multiplied by 10 (players and npcs, since everything is 10 times more powerful nothing is) and so there are no magic circles and everyone sinks when they touch water

gg ez :money_mouth_face: :pray: :muscle:

lets expand on that

magic builds are only unlocked if you get an average of A across all your school subjects

weapon builds only after uhhhh surviving a week in britain

warden builds have to show proof of life after being ganked by six of my goons