Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Easy enough :sunglasses:

weapon builds you must survive in a british hood for a year

Better yet, for vitality builds, you have to survive eating British food for a year.

better better yet, in order to unlock armor, you have to do something irl. for example you need the sir title (knight) to wear metal armor

their drops are still as if they didn’t change

They should add microtransactions for the dark sea:

Dark Sea Tier 1 - 50 robux, instantly teleports you to insanity 1 range
Dark Sea Tier 2 - 80 robux, instantly teleports you to insanity 2 range
Dark Sea Tier 3 - 150 robux, instantly teleports you to insanity 3 range
Dark Sea Tier 4 - 200 robux, instantly teleports you to insanity 4 range
Dark Sea Tier 5 - 250 robux, instantly teleports you to insanity 5 range
Teleport back home - 50 robux, teleports you back to the bronze sea
INSTANT SELL (yes all caps) - 350 robux, permanent gamepass that makes your deckhand sell all items on your ship instantly

Auto repair - 100 robux, instantly repairs 50% of your ship
Add extra chest - 50 robux, adds an untradable dark sea chest into your inventory

200 robux - golden essence that converts your brig cauldron to a gold one for 3 uses, same with brig cooking pot
there is also a permanent one for 20,000 robux

PvP Button

Ooo, now there’s a way to get certain peoples blood boiling

Every time you destroy a tree you have a 50% chance to encounter the Lorax

And the Lorax is a forced boss fight that scales with your level
The Lorax is a wood paladin with passive regeneration and heals
And yes, several Lorax copies can appear at once


new non-dark sea gamepasses :money_mouth_face:
there is a shocking lack of monetization and advertising in this game, let’s fix that!

Sunken Iron Set - 500 robux

  • Gives player every item in the sunken iron set, including sunken sword

Sunken Warrior Set - 1000 robux (will lower back to 500 when a new sunken set is released)

  • Gives player every item in the sunken warrior set, including sunken staff

Both of these can be purchased multiple times

when you have 200 attack speed your ranged weapon turns into a minigun

I can live with this change.

if ammo was still a thing it would quite literally cost 400,000 dollars to fire that weapon for twelve seconds

  1. Metal Magic now has 2x Speed.
  2. The stats of all other magics are reduced by 90% unless paired with Metal Magic.

to KIND OF add to this

Added Pure Magic, which has a 1x stat affinity on every stat.

…it’s earth’s damage with fire’s speed. 'nuff said.

add swag magic
1.05x damage
1.8x speed
1.3x size
synergizes with absolutely nothing and does 40% less damage on synergy

“do you love me?”

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Make magics be based on your character’s race and sex.

How would this work? I have no idea.

promethean water for guys and human creation magic for girls

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