Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

nerfing thermo even more(its literally the solution to world hunger)

Thermo is a bit too op right now it deals 2 damage and only takes 7 millennia to charge

Sink Ravenna to the Depths


frostmill should be layer 2

[Begin sarcasm]Giving every NPC the ability to teleport spam definitely won’t have any negative consequences whatsoever. Not even if they still get to block and/or parry randomly while doing that, and stick to only using ranged attacks that they can use quickly before teleporting again. [End sarcasm]

New stat


every attack you do has a chance to proc I frames the higher the stat in iframes the higher the chance the stat will proc

ban all alternate / bank accounts in game, as they give an unfair inventory and clan advantage

Better new stat: critical hit chance.

This stat, starting at 1%, can be scaled by equipping armor with the “Dangerous” or “Lethal” enchantments. Every time an ability is cast, the attack is tested, having a percentile chance based on the character Critical stat to become Critically Charged.

All attacks that are Critically Charged gain a reputation-based colored particle effect. Bounty players’ attacks would be tinted red, fame players’ would be tinted green.

The function of critical hits is quite simple: being hit by one deals x3 damage. However, this can be reduced by the player’s Critical Negation Chance.

Critical negation is not a set reduction of critical hit damage. Instead, it is a percentile chance for an incoming critical hit to do x1.5 damage instead of x3.

TF2 Random Crits:

Only if you’re in a US server

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new feature:buffing mages

If you dont pay they break you again

upper frostmill (the place with, like, frost brigands and iris) should be floor 1 and the city or town or whatever should be floor 2
scion would be ice smuggler

Players can now block and parry during attacks and endlag like NPC’s.

better yet npcs permanently get a shield that makes them parry attacks if the player has 500,000+ renown

Hitting an enemy before they can see you counts as a sneakstrike and does 8x more damage to them.

Hitting another player that isn’t in combat also counts as a sneakstrike and does 8x more damage.


nah its 3x but theres a stealth stat that can make it go up to 25x

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Think someone already suggested being able to use like the dagger for a Spy Backstab.

Me and my greatsword doing stealth: