Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey be like

Arcane adventures in the world of magic was great online fighting experience in this arcane odyssey

looking at the sun for longer than 1 minute causes you to go blind
if you look at the sun for 10-59 seconds, you get a blur filter over your screen with a higher intensity the longer you’ve looked at the sun
your character ignores this effect if they are wearing a blindfold or sunglasses or have the eyes closed eyes option

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Add a rare solar eclipse event and looking at the eclipse will make you blind for 2 hours and will keep the duration left when you rejoin


You have to sleep every in-game day by using an inn or the bed on the brig. If you don’t, you will be attacked by a new monster.

This monster will be voted on by the community from a selection of 4. The losing monsters will just be permanently scrapped, even if they were close to winning.


Ah, we’re going the Minecraft route I see


We already did this, warriors are never getting new skills again, that’s what we voted for

Id actually wanna kill myself. Carinas hard enough as it is with her stupid health pool.

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Or youre insanity would raise like irl!

Poison rain instakills you.

make a strength route boss faster than carina with less hp who you need to parry attacks for to fill up a meter in order to get an opening to attack him for either 5 seconds or when he reaches half hp, at which point the meter maxes out again and you need to attack him more

make it so you get permenate stage 5 insanity in nimbus and bronze sea along with being rb1(which we all are)

dark sea turns you into rb1 if you stay for too long (you get banned on account of being an rb1 alt)

Unironically, I kind of want to see ragdolls on death start flying forwards if they get killed from behind.

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i think ragdolls who die from from blunt/explosive attacks (e.g. vindicator or magic blast) should be flung on death

Wind should ragdoll

Each wound would deal damage as well as lower max hp and stamina in proportion to the damage taken, for example the 300 damage from lightning would reduce max hp by 100 and stamina by 50
Upon dying you lose 50% of all your items, rounded up, meaning you lose your sunken armor if you have just one
Execution can be done to both renowns, by the grand navy and assassin syndicate, and erases your file
Another, super evil one I came up with:
You have to manually type in moves to have them work, if you type them incorrectly it will either not work or damage you a little

Ctrl, c, and v are gonna be the main buttons that pvpers use

So dungeons for the assassin syndicate members/evil factions?

That may be a thing when the marauder seas get released since we’re going to be in between both the grand navy and a pirate nation.

Very well
pasting doesnt work