Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

That would actually be an interesting mechanic

I got 8 tryhard points am I cooked?


i only have like 5






i have 11 am i cooked

New stat: Reflection
Deal a portion of the damage you take to the attacker. It’s like drawback, but you give it to your enemy, and they don’t get the large stat boosts that come with it. Punishing people for actually hitting you is a great idea and nothing bad would ever happen because of it.



+5 (i used to have 500k before i reseted my renown)



I’ll assume it’s based on one file and counts still so long you’ve achieved it before.

It’d honestly take me a fair bit and exempt me a good amount of points if i were to account for all my Files…


+2 (140 Kills) PvP isn’t the main focus of mine believe it or not.

0, Our Clan hasn’t reached LB before yet. But we’re close to hitting LB if we decided to go full throttle for whatever reason.

+8 Had managed to reach 824k Fame at some point, snagged War Saint, Legendary Hero, and Savoir.

+1 File was a Mage at some point since i wanted to see how Snow was.

+16 Please don’t remind me of how common Vindicators are from sealeds…


+1 Was there since Open Test 3

+9, 450 Hours on my Main alone.

Though if i were to use my total hours across all my at the time of Nov 6 2023. It’d be +35, But +9 for now.

2+0+8+1+13+9 = 33

33 on just my Main file alone, which is neat ig.


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I’m not doing this for my own sanity…

:sob: I’m sorry for try harding charts


+7 (351 Kills)


+0 (Sub clan of Emrys, current #9 on leader board so this technically doesn’t count… I think?)


+6 (Highest reached was ~650K before the whole renown bug, was #99 savior at one point)


+2… Wood pulsar and Earth pulsar…

Vind, Kai, Claws:

+7, Most got wiped in the update

WOM Player:

+1, Playtest 1 B)


Currently at 514 hours (mostly charts lol)


7 + 6 + 2 + 7+ 1 + 10 = 33 Tryhard points

:0 Same amount!

Gahh… fine…

+4 (245 player kills)

+0 (Gilded Dragons on bottom)

Fame: +1 (Was leaderboard once but purely through pve)

Pulsar: 0

Vind, Kai, Claws: (You fool, the last update destroyed my vind stockpile! So from 35 vinds I now have!!!)


Wom PLayer:



I’m not explaining this.



I was so close :frowning:

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1100+ hours???!

if that’s the case, 107 :sob:

just you wait…





Just 14

what the fuck

Honestly, that’s my exact reaction. Assuming bear isn’t kidding, that’s nearly 3,000 player kills.

no, i am not, but i became so rusty, i went from parrying 80% of the fights attacks to like 10% :sob:

I’ve decided to update the tryhard points system for the lols, to better account for the game in its current state and the meta. Which, by the way, if you know what the meta is, that’s an automatic tryhard point.

Sources of points—

  • Time spent in-game. (+1 per 65 hours)
  • Having over 50 player kills. (+1 per 50)
  • Successful player bounty hunts. (+1 per 20)
  • Being in a clan. The amount of points depends on the clan. (+5 for top 10, +4 for top 25, +3 for top 50, +2 for top 100, +1 for other clans)
  • Having bounty or fame. (+1 per 50k)
  • Having learned any rare technique or spell. (+1)
  • Having reached half the max EXP for one of the three skills. (+1)
  • Having reached the max EXP in one of the three skills. (+2)
  • Having BSE, BSD, or NSD. (+2 per)
  • Having TC. (+1)
  • Being a WoM player. (+1)

There would also exist milestones for players depending on their Tryhard Points Total—

  • Casual, <15 points.
  • Sweaty, 15 Points. The player’s temperature is permanently raised slightly, causing them to sweat more often.
  • Maidenless, 30 points. Some NPCs ignore the player, removing their dialog. This happens to NPCs at random, and can include story NPCs and NPCs in cutscenes.
  • Grassphobic, 50+ points. The player character’s animation changes to have them waddle instead of running, playing the linked sound when doing so. They also visibly itch themselves when touching robloxmaterial_grass.

Calculating here, my main file would have 7 points. 2 for time, 1 for fame, 1 for learning Javelin, 2 for having BSE, and 1 for playing WoM.