Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

If pirate hitler were to be added, it would mean that we could kill him. Hence SkyRocket is obviously public hero #1. Or are you saying that killing hitler is bad? :face_with_monocle:

killing people is bad!
don’t kill him Samppa san, you’ll be just as bad as him! dattebayo!

Sorry… :broken_heart:

multiply the price of all types of clan structures by 5

So you wouldn’t kill hitler?? :angry:

That’s pure cap lmao, PvP is a tiny issue compared to the inexistant content currently, horrible optimization and projectile spam only PvE

Did you know I’m actually a time traveler and went back in time to kill hitler, got him in 1945 in some bunker.

PVP as a whole? Maybe.

Ganking? No. In fact, I’d argue it’s the single worst thing for the community of the game. You can’t really trust any player you meet if you’re not both of positive rep. Not when skilled players have several incentives to just kill you in the spot.

The final solution post

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Take my like and get the fuck out

There’s basically no incentives to rking, and ganking is a MUCH smaller issue than yall try make it seen, wow you get ganked once every 50 hours, big deal.

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Tell that too the iron leg warlock who decided to spawn camp me just because he “wanted to pvp”

Again, you’re taking rare occurrences and trying to make them seem common

Also have yall not realized yet once youve died once NOTHING is stopping you from logging?

Keyword spawn camping. Because he kept murdering me the second I respawn, I couldn’t log because I was constantly in combat.

You can log wile dead and you get a forcefield when respawning

They ARE common. I have a file with 50 hours, one player kill, no clan, and only 29k fame. I’ve been jumped on that file 6 times in a day before, and I rarely log on without getting jumped at least once, for literally no reason. You’d get more bounty from knocking down a few houses than from hunting me.

That’s exactly my point, you’re trying to make the rare situation you got into seem common, the people who get ganked aren’t common at all but they’re the one who complain really loudly, wich makes this vocal minority

Killing people is bad until you realize there’s sickos out there who would have no shame in putting live kittens in a vacuum sealed bag and… sealing it.

If I ever met someone like that irl and they openly confessed with me having a recording of their admittances to all the horrible things they’ve done, I’d simply be just weeding out the defects of society… :wolf:

Or I’d call the police, I guess.

I actually don’t really know any logical situations where killing/incapacitating a terrible person on the spot would be the better play than just, calling the authorities.

maybe if the police aren’t available?


I dunno, I’ll admit I’m not the greatest at math, but… man, six times a day sounds like something that’s a bit more than a ‘rare situation’.