Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

instead of build classes being based on allocated stats, remove the stats entirely and instead opt for npcs around the map training and giving players their classes
you would need to grind xp with the things your class uses by killing enemies (ex. going for warrior would require gaining weapon xp) hybrids and savants would need multiple sources of xp

you would also need to a certain amount of player kills (30-60 for a maxxed class) to obtain and progress your class. Maxxing out your class (apprentice/intiate tier) would require you to do a quest
for berserkers, mages, etc. you could reroll your magic and fighting style using robux (~350 per reroll), some fighting styles/magics would be rarer than others (iron leg would be rarer than boxing, for example)
each slot has a designated magic and fighting style until rerolled and it cannot be changed by erasing the file

make lris a trap
(a boy that looks like a girl)

Does she still drop dead if my attractiveness nears her?

are you a guy?

Yeah, so?
Anyways is she top or-

then yes

just turn the whole cast into effeminate men and rename the game to trap odyssey or something

add a solar eclipse that happens once every 2-3 months or so, its a 24 hour event that can change gameplay in multiple ways
It would be mentioned in the agora that some weird phenomena have been going on a few days before the eclipse

Here are some examples of what it can do, maybe have all of them going on at once or maybe make them eratic and change every few hours? idk I’m just throwing ideas at the wall

A. Makes the dark sea 5x more difficult, but increases loot by 10x
B. Makes every players and npcs significantly stronger bc of uhhhh… magic energy or some other bullshit.
C. Maybe a rare boss with a drop or something?
D. Much harsher weather in the normal sea, maybe even magic weather.
E. Sea monsters, lots of sea monsters.
F. Maybe atlantean ships can be spotted patroling the dark sea border?

That’s a GOOD idea

Actually instakill everyone and ban them permanently if they don’t cover their ass in pumpkins, sit inside a corroding potion cauldron and put a skyfire bloom on their head because it is actually government alien superweapon that spreads 5G and turns you gay and gives you AIDS

add the suggestions from

Actually a good idea in some way

Make tier 8 walls cost 250k galleons each

Paid access

for the sake of making SkyRocket seem like a worse person

WHAT DO YOU MEAN WORSE :sob: (complete)

why is Pirate Hitler in “Public Hero” and not in “Public Enemy”

I had to make sacrifices to get that solution post

far out

anyway, add a gamepass to make all characters romance-able

Netzach in that photo is drunk not swooning smh fake pm fan