Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

make it so you need to pay taxes with each kingdom having a different sales/income tax
sameria: 10/10
ravenna: 25/20
keraxe: 50/50
azura: 10/5
corsairs: 100/100 (they just fucking take the stuff)
and so on and so forth

Jean Paul Gaultier physique obtainable?!?!

remove muscle pack and transfer that into 2 new file slots, instead the more fighting style moves that use arms/weapons, the more muscle you get on your arms/chest. the more you dash/use iron leg the more you get muscle on your legs. now every single mage/paladin/oracle are gonna have gigantic legs and no arm muscles

Bro wants his AO character to become a Baki character

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Let Vetex kill Iris later in the story (he will be hunted down endlessly by the Church of Iris if this comes to fruition)

The Assassin’s Guild Disinformation and Slanderization Department

Basically, if your reputation gets to the Hero level, a bunch of assassins wearing your clothing and cosmetic items will start spawning throughout the War Seas, using whatever weapons or abilities you happen to use (Light Magic, Swords, Unarmed Combat, etc) to murder innocents, destroy property, and otherwise do everything a particularly sadistic player who has hacked your account and found a way to shut down the Renown Shield mechanics might do in order to plunge your Fame into the toilet and send you on a crash course with the ‘Warlord of the Sea’ positions on the leaderboards.

Worse, this actually works; every single thing these Assassins do results in loss of fame as if you did it yourself, and their bad deeds can and will get you mentioned in the Agora. And they NEVER STOP. Not even if you go to silverhold and reset your reputation. And have I mentioned that any of these assassins you manage to kill respawn daily? And by daily, I mean ‘Once every in-game day’.

Oh, and once you’ve gotten the Assassin’s Guild Disinformation and Slanderization Department sicced on your unlucky butt, any and all Assassin Guild Contacts you speak to will no longer allow you to reset your Notoriety, and will in fact react to you asking by pulling a pistol on you and instakilling you with a single shot.


This is like one of 4 posts in here that absolutely understood the assignment.

I love it.


Ok, this is the first post I’ve seen in a loong while that truly deserved my like.

Hey so, given how female characters and Edward Kenton are getting new chest models, I started to think about what male characters should get. Then I remembered I already made a suggestion on that topic…

So uh, what say you all?

Pardon me

I mean… fat, muscle—they both add to the chest.


Nah, probably not. It would be funny, though.

this deadass would be funny as shit to have in the game

imagine minding your own business hunting for evander and some dude dms u saying theres assassins impersonating you at caitara :rofl:

Your eternal reward from tf2

Oh hey! My favorite knife! (In concept)

Even better if the guy who sees it doesn’t understand what’s happening.

Say you’re grinding a boss on an island only to get bushwhacked by another player. When you respawn, you message him, asking “WTF”, and he replies “you did it first. 20 times” and you’re utterly bewildered because you haven’t seen this guy before in your life.

And then you get spawnkilled by an NPC dressed up as you, think “oh”, track the other player down to make amends… only for the two of you to get ambushed by another NPC… dressed up as him.

Oh, that’s something else the DSD could do to screw with players; shut down Renown/Notoriety shields.

excuse me WHAT.

tick tock heavy like a brinks truck

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