Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

i already said that

I swear to god-

Make a Vetexgames website (not the forums). To play Arcane Odyssey, you’d have to make an account on the website. Your username has to be unique, and your password has unusually strict requirements.

tenor (1)

add a carry and execute system like deepwoken, and while carrying players your only mobility option is sprinting.

I could not get past rule 14 “name this country” brooo

I just copy and pasted every countries name

It’s funny bc I was thinking about doing that earlier

Needy fucker would not let me figure out how many I had to italicized

I think there’s a macro for Paul you can use

Im not downloading shit for paul he’s a little bitch and he knows it

Fair enough


Like 35 I think

Rule 34 is also skipped for obvious reasons

I couldn’t get past the wordle answer one… mostly because I have no idea what wordle is

Just type in Wordle into Google and play the one by New York Times

Not complex enough. Someone did that in like 50 characters

i remember making a post worthy of this thread back in october of '23. here it is:

First of all, i propose a new scroll “Scroll of overleveling”. This scroll will increase the level of any item by 10, essentially upgrading it once, it also removes level restrictions for wearing so we level 125 peasants can use the items. It can be used 8 times bringing the level of any lv 120 item to 200!
Rarity: Same as prom acrimony

The second scroll is the “Scroll of overjeweling”. This scroll doubles the jewel slots of any item with jewel slots already, so items with 1 get 2, items with 2 get 4 and theurgist set gets 6.
Rarity: 3 times as rare as a prom acrimony

The third scroll is the “Scroll of overenchanting” this scroll will make any enchantable item have 2 enchant slots. Any item will now be able to have 2 powerfuls, 2 brisks, and 2 of any enchant in any combination. of course only usable once.
Rarity: Also 3 times as rare as a prom acrimony.

we love powercreep

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