Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

also any dust/powder magic

Heck, just remove clashing outright.

any 2 attacks that hit each other both explode

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That’s ridiculous, good job for listening to the topic title for once though instead of just posting a low effort real suggestion

and deal full damage to both people (e.g. my spear will burst into bits of shrapnel that all deal the same damage as the spear blast and the fire blast its clashing with will explode as it normally would)

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insanity’s fake damage is real.

Insanity becomes real

insanity real

Someone probably already said this, but make the WoM map an island
I want WoM wilderness music :sob:

I second this, as a light owner (I don’t play on that file) it would be a funny “synergy” to add “just 'cause”

Also crystal and water and acid and wind should be included

The salt is real :sob: :pray: :salt:

While under the effects of insanity a random npc will attack you.

If you kill them you’ll just see their body on the ground and every npc nearby will be looking dead at you. Asking one why will yield an answer amongst the lines of “Stay away from me murderer!” and “All they did was ask a question! Why would you do this!”

If you don’t kill the npc, by the time the effects of insanity end, it’ll spawn an interactable npc where the npc originally spawned, who will ask the question “Hey, are you alright?”


That suggestion is NOT going to make you public enemy #1

So I can commit murder???

Insanity 5 potion time, we killing the entire population of frostmill with this one

you telling me a suggestion that literally has you getting jumped doesnt do that? smh…

Hold on, I’ve got an idea
After you kill calvus, you are instantly top 1 on the bounty leaderboard because you KILLED a KING and caused a WAR INVOLVING CURSE USERS

There, public enemy #1

It’s insanity it’s supposed to mess with you

whenever you go into a kingdom you must choose a political party for that kingdom and anyone who doesnt agree with you, you need to fight under threat of death
parties for ravenna, for example:
tiberia liberation front (tlf)
ravenna monarchist party (rmp)

Exaggerated politics simulator

nerf metal magic by 0.025 in all stats INCLUDING damage