Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Have Iris turn into a dragon by eating a rock as a massive sacrifice built up to over several chapters. Then, completely revert it at the game’s conclusion.

I am still so freaking pissed that THIS was the storyline we got in TotK.

Lasting consequences? In MY nintendo game?

It didn’t even have to be a lasting consequence—just have there be an actual effort in reversing the process on the part of the player. Like, imagine if there was a post-game where-

Wait, right. Nintendo doesn’t do post-games for some bloody reason.

the reason botw and totk dont have post games is because basically every enemy and source of loot is a result of ganon, itd be real boring if you basically just ran out of loot

The monsters have been a part of Hyrule for longer than the kingdom’s existed—according to the TotK flashbacks. Fairly certain they’d stick around.

yeah, but they are explicitly being hostile and attacking you because of Ganon, as well as the blood moon being the thing that respawns them

either way no more derailing

Make England real

No, no I will keep derailing. Because I am legitimately peeved by how much of a blatant insult to art this game is. And to the craft of storytelling. Everything this game does for the sake of story manages to fall short of BotW, itself criticized for its rather minimal story. But at LEAST BotW’s minimal story was decently well-told and unique. Tears’s? Nah, they just SLAPPED ON BotW’s memories and chucked Zelda into the past just to get her out of the way.

Then, they had the brilliant idea to run the Dragon’s tears quest, the main quest, and the stables quests ALL AT THE SAME TIME. DESPITE THE FACT THAT ALL OF THEM SPOIL THE MAIN STORYLINE. And there was the storyline itself—I couldn’t give a flying flippity flapping flop about ANYONE in the past spare Zelda. THE SAGES AREN’T EVEN NAMED, HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO SEE THEM AS ANYTHING BUT PLOT DEVICES? EVEN RARU WAS GIVEN MORE SCREEN TIME, HOLY SMOKES.

And the memories? Hot garbage. There are NO relationships to invest in. NO real mystery or questions the player will have. AND BARELY ANY OF IT IS RELEVANT TO WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE GAME’S MODERN ERA BESIDES ZELDA BECOMING A WOR- er, dragon.

I could go on and on about how this game’s storytelling is just atrociously bad. I could make en entire flipping topic on the matter. I COULD WRITE A FANFIC ON I- oh hey, that’s a good idea.

the spirit of stocksounds is coming inside you :100:

guess the post: stocksounds or gamehero
its like “black metal lyric OR r/atheism post”

Oh come on, I’m not…

… Yeah, no, you’re right. I probably do need to chill.